I think its more like we are just as bad a shape but we have a better credit rating- I wonder how long that will last.

I was more thinking of the weather and lack of traffic jams though:D

Hasn't the toll charges come in on the motorways yet? That will make the traffic free flowing on the N125:D:D
I didnt notice any toll roads when I was last in protugal, well if there were I didnt pay :D

It will be nice when the governemnt carves up more of the uk countryside for roads for only the weallthy to use, we wouldnt want them to have to be stuck in traffic with all the plebs after all :doh:
Seems like some people can't handle the truth.... Deletin posts n that.... Why's that then? Scared people will get the truth for once instead of a bucket full of lies??
Seems like some people can't handle the truth.... Deletin posts n that.... Why's that then? Scared people will get the truth for once instead of a bucket full of lies??

i hardly fink this is the place to air your dirty washing
be nice to see some useful info from you rather than you constantly pickin on one member.

I think that contravenes the :rulez:
I've known Stig/bmp42 for a fair few years and I have to say that given the choice between him and that ****ed up Belgiancloggy I'd take my landy to stig anyday.
So it seems fair to say that everyone reacting bad to me on here condones what my "dad" did F**kin awesome forum this ya know.........
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So it seems fair to say that everyone reacting bad to me on here condones what my "dad" did f**k all, not even a goodbye?? ****in awesome forum this ya know.........

it is yo own personal gripe and of no interest to this forum. same would apply to Stig.
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I went to stig's unit in the UK and while me and stig slaved like fook to get the work done HIs chavvy corsa owning offspring did fookall but sit around and winge then fooked off somewher to get stoned, when his mates turned up. :mad:

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