
New Member
hi all does anyone know where i can get a driver my usb 2.0 to serial so can get my laptop wired to hopefully sort out the eas have downloaded a few now with no joy i got the cable and software from www.talktomycar.co.uk if you want to see the cable i have really need to get this sorted asap so pls help thanks
i have the leads and software just need the driver for the cable as when i plug the cable in just says driver needed for usb 2.0 to ser
i have the leads and software just need the driver for the cable as when i plug the cable in just says driver needed for usb 2.0 to ser

Which Operating System (Win98, XP or Vista)???

And have you tried loading any drivers at all......
im running vista ive tried a couple of what i thought ot be the rite drivers but i guess not just says driver needed blah blah blah but im not the best on computer but have not struggled in the past with basic sort of stuff like getting drivers etc but probably is me lol
i have vista on laptop???

I've had problems before with usb/serial drivers for vista.

If you have tried to install any drivers, remove them, then plug in the usb/serial lead wait for the OS to ask for the drivers and go to Microsoft Updates Site and try updating the hardware/drivers from there. If you still have problems plug in the lead then cancel the instill driver bit, then try updating via the Windows Update Site.

A relation had vista, it was the only way we managed to install the driver for his lead, but there were other updates needed as well.


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i did not get one with mine have rang the company mentioned earlier and they are going to send me driver but really need to sort tomoz if poss as this my mum car and she wants it done really
If you know the make of the adapter you should be able to download a driverf from their website.
Loads of peeps seem to have trouble with serial/usb adapters and Vista though...
the driver is not on there website they are going to send me one in the post but just thought i may be able to download one to save waiting the lead i have is the one shown on the sight i mentioned earlier if that helps
the driver is not on there website they are going to send me one in the post but just thought i may be able to download one to save waiting the lead i have is the one shown on the sight i mentioned earlier if that helps

ask them to email it to you, the file size will be tiny

have you got anything else you can connect to the port just to make sure it's working ?
no ive not got anything else to connect i will try them in the morning and ask them to email it then if i have no joy tonight
Vista = problems with USB to serial adaptors. You may have to try a different adaptor, some do not need drivers. you could try Maplin and ask the question before you buy "is it Vista compatable" "does it need a driver for Vista" Windows 7 seems to be Vista with some of the bugs removed LOL
finally got a driver that worked was is chinese but the word download in english luckily so should all be good now hopefully
Hi Gents,
I Had loads of trouble trying to get the usb to serial lead to work - the driver would't insall without a readable device on the end and the P38 wasn't a readable device.
I cured it by spending £9.70 including VAT and Airmail for a pcmia card serial port that just plugs into the laptop port - don't buy it from Maplins as they do them for £50.00 !!!! - worked first time a treat.
When I emailed Storey Wilson about it he thought it a great solution and is going to post it on his site for advice.
just checkout RSW solutions he should have the details of where to get them on his site by now.

can i have the make & model of the laptop? also the version of vista.

Start > type 'System' and it should returen System information.

Under the summary there the version number. eg 6.0.6002

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