If it's been sold by a dealer, they can't wriggle out of repairing it - regardless of whether it's the head gasket or just the fans not working.

Even if you want to keep it, get the dealer involved - the day after you bought it, in good faith is just not acceptable.
ok update turns out it was a number of things cant take it back as it turns out it was a private sale so iv replaces the coolant tank cap thermostate and the electric cooling fan unit problem solved but with every problem solved a new occurs or so it seems the new thermostat seems to have brocken in half leaving half in and the other half is still in so tomorrw iv got to figure out how to get the other half out
You bought it from "north west landrover specialists". and now there's a problem it was a private sale? Even if you accept to carry out the repairs yourself I'd report them to trading standards just to cause them a problem.
dealers cant sell as "private sale" - they have to abide by the sale of goods act!

but if yu cant be arsed - its your money.
I bought my Freelander Sold as Seen from a dealer. Got near £500 of the asking price as it had no service history and 104,000 miles so I figured the HG was likely to go soon and used that as a bargaining chip.
When I found the VCU was knackered the day I bought it I sorted it myself and when the head gasket failed a couple of months later I fixed it myself.
I guess just because you buy from a dealer doesn't necessarily mean you go back if something is wrong,
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No, but however much dealers try to pretend otherwise...you CAN
Agreed but in my case I wouldn't have trusted the dealer to do the work properly so I did it myself. Had I been paying a garage to do the work I might have taken a different line.
Agreed but in my case I wouldn't have trusted the dealer to do the work properly so I did it myself. Had I been paying a garage to do the work I might have taken a different line.

That's a good reason :)

I can't because it's a private sale isn't and the dealer knows better :mad:

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