I have contacted the police many times. I am still waiting to hear back from them.
If your not involved please keep out as your opinion's are far of the mark and pointless. This is a serious matter and unless you have been involved you will not know the full facts only a small percentage of my customer are on this forum .

believe me ,, ive been involved and i dont know the full fact's!! so please explain ! im waiting...


The durdy scrote has no money [spent it all] and knows he is gunna get spanked , but you cannot get money out of a stone, however should have indemnity insurance, or is it another case of a company going bust and a year later setting up another scam with another name :mad:
The durdy scrote has no money [spent it all] and knows he is gunna get spanked , but you cannot get money out of a stone, however should have indemnity insurance, or is it another case of a company going bust and a year later setting up another scam with another name :mad:

insurance ! - you have to be kidding

a'll bet he worked out of a 6x4 BnQ shed in his mums back yard
Is there any movement in Mr freelanderirdspecialists.com ?? apart of somebody getting 200 pounds getting back off him, he owe me over 7000 so 200 is nothing... does anybody else have got anything back ?? He contacted with me(of course via e-mail, he wouldn't give a phone number, because he possibly would laugh of all us here), and just said that everything will be sorted... but since middle of december totally quiet again, just want to know does there is any movement !
Is there any movement in Mr freelanderirdspecialists.com ?? apart of somebody getting 200 pounds getting back off him, he owe me over 7000 so 200 is nothing... does anybody else have got anything back ?? He contacted with me(of course via e-mail, he wouldn't give a phone number, because he possibly would laugh of all us here), and just said that everything will be sorted... but since middle of december totally quiet again, just want to know does there is any movement !
Eeze a durdy bastid scrote. . . . .just a matter of time till e gets nobbed :mad:
Is there any movement in Mr freelanderirdspecialists.com ?? apart of somebody getting 200 pounds getting back off him, he owe me over 7000 so 200 is nothing... does anybody else have got anything back ?? He contacted with me(of course via e-mail, he wouldn't give a phone number, because he possibly would laugh of all us here), and just said that everything will be sorted... but since middle of december totally quiet again, just want to know does there is any movement !

it's gone very quiet !! hopefully something is happening!.
This is a really sad thread but people like him are all too common. Fortunately I haven't had any dealings with him but no, I won't keep out of it like he wants. This is a public forum & if it wasn't for forums & the like then how long would he have continued to take money without everyone realising that there was no goods. Don't forget this was the same guy who manipulated other forum users into withdrawing their negative posts earlier on & claiming to have influence with the mods on here, yet then later claims that Landyzone customers affected by his dealings form a very small proportion of overall business. I really don't believe a word this guy says & am grateful to forums like this for being able to expose people like him.
I would never ever send anyone death threats but a wee bit of advice to Danny boy. You might want to think about changing that email address as it's really quite insulting to all the good folk who lost money by trusting you. You are most certainly NOT an ird specialist, far far from it.
He's possibly visiting this forum every day and laughing of us all, the trouble is that he pretend very well to be honest, I even took a precaution of meeting him personally instead of only transferring the money, but like others said he have moved .... so You never know when being ripped off, nothing else but have to pay my debit to a bank, and mr freelanderirdspecialist is enjoying his cash @@ very well, he need to start teaching how to rip off people :)
apart from the £200 we had its now gone quiet again - no more money is forthcoming! No e mail no phone call - nothing! As a previous poster has said, he owes us well over £700 so £200 is a drop in the ocean! IF YOU ARE READING THIS MR BALL PLEASE GIVE ME MY MONEY BACK _ YOU HAVE NOW HAD IT 6 MONTHS!! I HAVE BILLS TO PAY!!! ( I actually pay the bills that i owe - unlike Dan Ball!!!!)
I've not had any contact since 15th.December when an email reply about my money said "I can't give an exact date but Progress is being made and i hope it Shouldn't be to much longer."
Another delaying tactic I guess.
I've just sent PC Richard Allan another email asking what is going to be done, would suggest everyone involved does the same.
Funny thing,


is still working, and guess what, the mobile number on this site, is one of the first numbers which i got from mr Ball, didn't work for a while, but tried and some lady is answering. i believe that mr ball miss/girl kindly asked about Dan Ball, or Daniel Ball, and she replied where from did I got this number, and started yelling at me, maybe one of UK colleagues will try to contact the mobile number from the site ? maybe I scared her with my accent ??

It is his home addres, at least the one before he moved out somewhere...
21 Stone Close, Watlington, King's Lynn, Norfolk, PE33 0TE

That is the place where i meet him, personally
And it is the same email address he used when operating freelanderirdspecialists!!!! I just can't get my head around this!!???

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