No he, didn't started again !!

This is his first website, than he moved to freelanderirdspecialists - which is not working any more.

He closed the 2nd site, but first is still running with his first phone number, which was also firstly used on the closed site, address is also same, he only as far as he told me tried to open a garage somewhere in north london ?? and then changed the address on the closed website(and this was already the time when he was very hard to catch, finally totally moving out of his address(that what I know from this forum) in king's lynn(where I have been only once to leave money for 50x crownwheel and pinions))
And it is the same email address he used when operating freelanderirdspecialists!!!! I just can't get my head around this!!???

I have said before to at least one affected how to find them.
So he's back at it i presume!!
Why if so many of us that lost money to this scrot and reported to the relevant authorities has nothing been done ? i myself have had numerous conversations with the police namely pc allen and the fraud office and it seems to me he must be above the law!!! maybe this could be a way we could all get rich (oh no sorry i have a conscience).
BEWARE AVOID DO NOT USE or any business connected to dan ball .......

And if the authorities are dealing with it could they let the victims of this con man now about it!!!!
So he's back at it i presume!!
Why if so many of us that lost money to this scrot and reported to the relevant authorities has nothing been done ? i myself have had numerous conversations with the police namely pc allen and the fraud office and it seems to me he must be above the law!!! maybe this could be a way we could all get rich (oh no sorry i have a conscience).
BEWARE AVOID DO NOT USE or any business connected to dan ball .......

And if the authorities are dealing with it could they let the victims of this con man now about it!!!!

Coughs there is another way:cool:
Dan Ball has just deposited £200 into our account!!!! And emailed to say that he will be making regular payments until he has fully refunded us!!!! What a relief - best Christmas present!
So there is hope..........

so, now over a year on, have you had all your money refunded ? what is the score with mr dan ball ? did everyone get paid back ?
Hi All,
has there been any update as to whether any monies have been paid back by Dan Ball. I had the £200 then nothing.
My mother was very very ill at the time - the freelander was desperately needed to ferry her to and from Adenbrooks. She sadly died.
I just wonder if there is any contact details that anyone has to try to recover the rest of the money.
I tried the police route - sent emails and details - but they clearly weren't interested.
just wondered if anyone had any luck?.....
When I located Dan Ball and gave details to find him to certain people-they squandered the chance
Any update on this scumbag. I've not had anything to do with him but was wondering if anybody has had their money back or not.
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Cash flow problems my arse, the scum bag made a lot of money by the sounds of it from hard working people's pockets. Has he been prosicuted by the police ??? What happened to the police officer who was looking into this did he disappear as well ??

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