Now if this isn't another delaying tactic I would suggest that you get in contact with police and also offer a uk contact address.

Bottom line you took a lot of payments and suddenly disappeared.

As for anyone affected I would continue to report it until police say they are happy something is being done to sort it.

At the very least it looks like obtaining money by deception.
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Ratty, some might admire your sentiment but your being very naive if you think this guy is for real. Whether con man or failed business no one is going to see any money. He say's "all the money is lost", of course it is, "I have no income" so he can't be made to pay back any money.

The legal advice he gets will be a familiar all too easy route to bankruptcy that lifts the burden from the shoulders of many Idiots that think they can get rich from selling stuff they don't have and can't get unless they can CONvince others to stump up their cash for them to speculate with.
A thought struck me this morning (I needed to lie down afterwards)..

How has he lost his house and not able to afford food already?? This has not yet come before any court nor has he been arrested and his assets i would like to know where the money has gone..he hasn't refunded anyone yet he continued to accept money until very recently.

An explanation please??
A thought struck me this morning (I needed to lie down afterwards)..

How has he lost his house and not able to afford food already?? This has not yet come before any court nor has he been arrested and his assets i would like to know where the money has gone..he hasn't refunded anyone yet he continued to accept money until very recently.

An explanation please??

That's assuming he owned any assets, my guess is he had nowt to begin with....
A thought struck me this morning (I needed to lie down afterwards)..

How has he lost his house and not able to afford food already?? This has not yet come before any court nor has he been arrested and his assets i would like to know where the money has gone..he hasn't refunded anyone yet he continued to accept money until very recently.

An explanation please??

he's a con man - probably worked out of his mates shed, got a kid to build a website for £40 - no legal company status, now he's feeling the heat he's trying to get himself some time to find a easy way out
Keep reporting him to police, if he really wants to sort it he will have contacted them to explain. If not it is a time buying ploy.
Keep reporting him to police, if he really wants to sort it he will have contacted them to explain. If not it is a time buying ploy.
I have contacted the police many times. I am still waiting to hear back from them.
If your not involved please keep out as your opinion's are far of the mark and pointless. This is a serious matter and unless you have been involved you will not know the full facts only a small percentage of my customer are on this forum .
I have contacted the police many times. I am still waiting to hear back from them.
If your not involved please keep out as your opinion's are far of the mark and pointless. This is a serious matter and unless you have been involved you will not know the full facts only a small percentage of my customer are on this forum .

A bit of humility wouldn't go amiss. Glad you realise it's a serious matter seeing as people have been trying to contact you for months.

If there's only a small percentage of your customers on this forum then i dread to think how many people have been affected by your head in the sand attitude.
I have contacted the police many times. I am still waiting to hear back from them.
If your not involved please keep out as your opinion's are far of the mark and pointless. This is a serious matter and unless you have been involved you will not know the full facts only a small percentage of my customer are on this forum .

From where I'm standing your in no position to suggest anything, in fact I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if they had an arrest warrant for you.

Only time and actions to redress the damage and harm to your reputation will prove your not a con man.

If as you say your trying to sort it out then it can only look better when they take you to court for obtaining money by deception.

I'm on the side of the ones who still owed money-even though you knew it was going sour.
Dear freelanderirdspecialist, od D.Ball,

I was e-mailing you every single week how does the things are going, the last e-mail from You was on 30th October and saying that the company who was to supply you with crownwheel and pinions, didn't deliver, and you want back-out from the business, and get refund from company OK, this was back in 30th October,

So Why later You still was taking moneys from people for items which will not never be delivered, and YOU KNEW THAT(you can't deliver) !!

Now You are saying that will get refund and ect ect

You have my e-mail address, my phone number my other details and still no answer !! very childish, so You can't say that you lost because I'm e-mailing you nearly every week !! You are full of bollocks !!

This bloke owe me 7400 GBP, and what I can say - I have to pay credit for him to my bank, didn't make any money, just lost !!
Dan Ball has just deposited £200 into our account!!!! And emailed to say that he will be making regular payments until he has fully refunded us!!!! What a relief - best Christmas present!
So there is hope..........
Dan Ball has just deposited £200 into our account!!!! And emailed to say that he will be making regular payments until he has fully refunded us!!!! What a relief - best Christmas present!
So there is hope..........

Glad to hear there is some movement on this.:)

Keep us updated.
Dan Ball has just deposited £200 into our account!!!! And emailed to say that he will be making regular payments until he has fully refunded us!!!! What a relief - best Christmas present!
So there is hope..........

o.k that's great... and dan ball what about the rest of us!!!

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