Just sent email to irdspecialist@gmail.com and got a prompt reply, seems I hit a nerve with my message!
It read "All refunds are In the process of being issued finally. And with your polite manor i will make sure you are placed Well in the Que of payouts."
This is the first I've heard from them since the 14th. October, has anybody else had any contact recently?
Just sent email to irdspecialist@gmail.com and got a prompt reply, seems I hit a nerve with my message!
It read "All refunds are In the process of being issued finally. And with your polite manor i will make sure you are placed Well in the Que of payouts."
This is the first I've heard from them since the 14th. October, has anybody else had any contact recently?

no nothing from him - my husband emailed the other address and has had no reply - we are owed money from July!! we havent been so polite so i expect we will go to the bottom of the 'imaginary' queue!!!
I have also emailed the policeman - but have not had any responce!!! V rude!!!
Has anyone been told the reason why he's done this? I assume he set out to start up a business but failed in doing so.
Has anyone been told the reason why he's done this? I assume he set out to start up a business but failed in doing so.
Find it very strange that the durdy scrote :mad: should almost copy a proper company in Wis beach and him pike- ing in Kings Lynn Mr wun Ball is running outa hiding places ,thurs a lot of peeps that use this site wiff connections to a lot of places, he's doomed ah tells yer doomed :eek::eek::eek::eek: yer carnt hide from my rockit
Received this reply from PC R.Allan:-

"I have received your correspondence thank you, I am collating a package together from complainants worldwide!! I am going to discuss with CID later in the week as this will be a protracted enquiry and maybe beyond the remit of a front-line officer to invest the time into.

This was my first day back in and it seems the level of this fraud is building, another complaint in my in-box. I guess first we have to establish whether he is committing crime or taking on orders way beyond his capability. Regardless the matter is still in hand and will be addressed accordingly."

In my view there is a crime been committed.
The problem I guess will be evidence or proof. The more everyone involved gets onto PC Allan the better and hopefully we can get the police attention it deserves.
i have just sent an e-mail to police regarding the freelanderirdspecialists.com

I paid him 7400 GBP for 70x crown wheel and pinion to the freelander IRD box, haven't heard anything from him since 30th october.

I'm from Poland, all who are been conned by this person report police ASAP,

Heard that he took money for nearly 400 sets of crownwheel and pinion, from outside the UK, and didn't deliver anything ! and this outside the UK !!
This scam is bigger than I imagined, the more I hear the more deliberate it all appears to have been and less likely anyone will get monies returned.
before I searched anything on the net about the freelanderirdspecialists.com, still thought that it can be possible to get my money back, but if he managed to steal moneys from people in the UK, the more I think that i lost my hard worked MONEY !!! Never had that kind problems with anyone in the UK @@
Other than the complaints above, for missing items etc, is there anyone out there who has received good service or parts? Hence was this a scan from the beginning not to deliver goods? Not connected with him or his company, but came close. Just wondering.
He emailed me some months ago offering to sell me his old stock due to closing the business down, after we came to a deal over emails, i offered to come and pick the parts up and pay cash, then never heard anything from him. Sometime after the date of pick up had gone and numerous emails from myself, i had an email from him saying he had had some problems and had been broken into and had all his stock stolen. When i saw this thread a few weeks ago i posted a reply and instantly received an email from him saying he told me why there was problems (stolen stock) and then proceeded to accuse someone in the trade, insinuating me, of committing the burglary . After a few more emails I deleted my post as i gave him the benefit of the doubt, probably swayed by the comment that he had sent a lot of business our way, but from reading all this and hearing about him from other sources i thought i'd better post this.
He emailed me some months ago offering to sell me his old stock due to closing the business down, after we came to a deal over emails, i offered to come and pick the parts up and pay cash, then never heard anything from him. Sometime after the date of pick up had gone and numerous emails from myself, i had an email from him saying he had had some problems and had been broken into and had all his stock stolen. When i saw this thread a few weeks ago i posted a reply and instantly received an email from him saying he told me why there was problems (stolen stock) and then proceeded to accuse someone in the trade, insinuating me, of committing the burglary . After a few more emails I deleted my post as i gave him the benefit of the doubt, probably swayed by the comment that he had sent a lot of business our way, but from reading all this and hearing about him from other sources i thought i'd better post this.

Thanks for posting this. I had heard something similar myself.

You aren't the first person that he has tried to pressurise into removing posts. He has also insinuated to some people that he is friendly with the mods on this site and that any negative posts about him will be removed at his request. As you can see, this is another of his lies.;):p
What I can say, got his details from website, started to send emails with mr Ball, wanted to get 40 sets of crownwheel and pinion, price was agreed 110 a set, went to UK, to his place, paid him cash, pinions should be delivered 2 weeks later (this was early august), after 3-4 weeks he said that it will take a bit longer, because one of his clients have backed out and he need to get some more people to get the pinions made, he said that he have to order 200 sets at a time, and that he is missing 50, i decided to take the further 30, this was september, and delivery was to be done after 2-3 weeks. After another 5 weeks he wrote an email that the company who was doing the pinions for him can't deliver, and he will be doing refunds as soon as he will get money back from the company, there was totally nothing about any parts being stolen ! and since 30th october haven't heard anything from him, phone dead, e-mail not responding, have also heard that he moved his house, and now I see that possibly i have lost 7400 GBP, not very good buisness to me :(
Just sent email to irdspecialist@gmail.com and got a prompt reply, seems I hit a nerve with my message!
It read "All refunds are In the process of being issued finally. And with your polite manor i will make sure you are placed Well in the Que of payouts."
This is the first I've heard from them since the 14th. October, has anybody else had any contact recently?

i emailed and amazed!! got a reply, i sent it straight to pc allan ( i suggest u all do the same)!!
beware, this guy is a pro__ the longer he can keep pulling the wool over peoples eye's the longer the authorities will let him carry on!
trust me there will be no refund's...
and if im wrong dan ball, let's have it....
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Just sent email to irdspecialist@gmail.com and got a prompt reply, seems I hit a nerve with my message!
It read "All refunds are In the process of being issued finally. And with your polite manor i will make sure you are placed Well in the Que of payouts."
This is the first I've heard from them since the 14th. October, has anybody else had any contact recently?

i would imagine he's just stepped off a plane, having spent everyone's money on a nice holiday, i just dont think he was clever enough to get enough to stay away!!
come on then let have the refund's ball..!

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