
Active Member
Car 2004 m62 powered.

We are on our way to France. On the m20 the car started to get Jerry. Loss of power but the engine ran like it had bad fuel or a misfire. It also started drinking alot of fuel and the fuel economy dived. I stopped on the hard shoulder. Idle was normal. Switched engine off and started. Idle normal but engine management light comes on. No other check control warning. I put it in drive and it moves albeit very roughly. As I pick up speed the engine engine start to run more smoothly. After a fee minutes it back to normal service. Kickdown works and there is power. The fuel economy also recovers. We on le shuttle now. Off to Disney land.

What the heck could be wrong? Hopefully it can wait till we get home to address whatever the fault is. What ever it is it has "fixed" itself.

I filled up with tesco's 99 octane fuel yesterday. The car ran fine for the first 50 miles this morning but that could be on the residual fuel left over as it only took 85 litres. Could it be bad fuel? If it was what now.
That's the v8 petrol? Really need some error codes, unlikely to be bad fuel as it would have happened quicker
In the absence of codes, could it be anti French sentiment?
(Or a dodgy sensor somewhere, if the engine management system is blind, it'll limit power and dump fuel in like there's no tomorrow)
We have been recovered to boulogne sur mer.
Hire car tomorrow. The car now turns over but will not idle. Hopefully there is no serious damage and its just a faulty sensor. If it is water in the fuel tesco will get a claim.

It could be a sensor problem.

The engine has oil. What can happen if there is contaminated fuel?
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Tried that it starts and idles. It sounds really rough though. The idle is 600 rpm and not that steady.. it smells rich
Someone will know better than me, but if it runs better than that could be the problem, if it's been failing gradually i wonder if that has thrown the fuel trims off, hence the rich smell?
The thing is was running running well yesterday. I was averaging 19.3 mpg on the way to folkestone then it all went tits up.

So it was quite sudden. It was in the garage until yesterday having the rear window wiper motor replaced and hand brake fixed.

I changed the wheels over yesterday too and it drove fine.

Sensors can just fail. I should have used the dependable e34. I have just jinxed that car now.

I hope it is the maf as that will be a quick fix. Would driving it for what 20 miles with a failing maf cause any damage? I hope not.
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It's on a garage in calais and the people there don't speak English. I will find out more maybe today. They cleared the fault code and I drives normally pointing to a flaky sensor. I doubt I will get the fault code out of them.

I will have to buy a fault code reader now. Suggestions please. I will search later. Of to disneyland with my daughter now.

Do mafs need cleaning. This is something I can do. I bet it something simple like that. Air filter was changed in July.

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