but shirley,
being at uni of any sort, the poor wee lass is used to getting her mammeries out ;)

oh well, good luck,
with or without yer nice young & firm pointy bits... ;)

Steady on!

Or it won't just be your knees they'll be swapping!

Steady on!

Or it won't just be your knees they'll be swapping!


errr, you may be right there,
I mean, if you have not gone through having two (plus one "adopted" )daughters growing up from there 16`s till there mid 30`s
and not overhearing there wtf did you get up to`s
then you`ll never know I guess :D:D:D
sorry, my old PC is having a midlife crisis - it double posted the above.

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Maths not a strong point for the OP ...:confused::confused:

Sort these out in order from 1 - 10 when there are 12 of them!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

These are the people who will be running the country in a few years time!! :eek::eek:

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