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Was wondering whether to add a TPMS system to my Android stereo. All the kits I have looked at seem to transmit on 433Mhz, so wondering if anyone else has done this, and if the sensors "sleep" when the vehicle isn't moving ? Otherwise they might interfere with the FOB receiver and wake up the BECM.
I have used TyrePal for the last two years. The warning of loosing pressure in one of the tyres (on more than one occasion) probably saved an incident and with possible replacement of the tyre if it had gone flat at motorway speed. Recommend.
Getting very technical gentleman! Surely you check them every week as well?;)
Tis' very interesting.:cool:
Getting very technical gentleman! Surely you check them every week as well?;)
Tis' very interesting.:cool:

I agree with the weekly check method, combined with check before long journeys. Gadgets are ok for some things but physically doing your 'first parade' , shows any other issues like tears, bulges, or like a friend of mine is prone to doing on her damn expensive SL500 tyres, chunks out of the walls.
Day by day in every way , people are conspiring to make me feel older ;)
totally agree check before long journeys ...... but the tyre dog also tells temps as well as pressure and pre-set warnings can be set depending on loads
here in Australia the bitumen can be so hot its unbearable to touch
cut a long story short my rear tyre pressure was 55 psi and climbing never had the high temp alarm set to my original tyre pressure 40 42 psi to much weight in the rear end on a long journey

cut another long story short I work for a road train company when a truck is empty he can travel the speed limit ...when he is fully loaded they drop back aproxx 10 kph depending on driver and experience ..... reason being the heat generated in the tyres can cause a blow out
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Agreed these system don't replace proper tyre checks, but nice to have potential warnings while driving, or between weekly checks !!

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