
Active Member
Hi I am fairly new to 4x4 and have trying to get my Freelander into reasonable shape.......having taken my truck to Freelabnder services they reconed that my tyres were wrong and would blow the diff.....
They are all new......(don't ask why they are different this is a long story)
knobblies....but fronts have a differnet tread to back...doh. So I have measured the rolling diameter of the wheels.... and these are as follows:-
Fronts 2195mm
Rear 2212mm
This gives a difference of around 17mm
This give a dimater differnece of around .8% is this enough to cause me
real problems ...... surely tyre ware could easily add up to this....
I am quite willing to change the front tyres....I just want the correct advice.....this is quite urgent hope you can help.:doh:
Fronts should have a smaller circumference than rears. That is why when changing in pairs you always put the new ones to the back. I take it they didn't measure them at the garage or they would know this. Remember larger rolling diameter always to back (unless you are lucky enough to be able to afford 4 new tyres at once!) and you shouldn't have a problem.

Hi thanks for replying my new tyres are on the back.
I have done some mathematics.....and calculated the
acutal difference in terms oftread depth is 2.75mm so with my two new tyres on the rear is this going to put too much strain on diff..........if I buy two new tyres there will be around 1mm difference..........
what would you do.........:confused:
Leave it as is it should be fine. Don't worry!! I have posted a link to user manual / rave today for Freelander 05. Worth downloading and checking out for future.
Tonyt thanks for your advice.....appreciated....mate.
Mad hat cheers ..... you obviously know...thanks for letting me know...nice one.
Buy the way just checked Haynes nothing.........
I do have rave but don't find it easy to navigate..........
Right have just twaled through Rave ..... new tyres preferably all 4 but can be done in pairs but new ones to the back........... Great....still a bit concerned about 2.7 mm diference. From what I understand Freelanders are biased toward from drive slightly.....
so putting fractionally larger new ones on rear should be tollerated......hmm
I have just gone and treble checked diameters my first dims were slightly out
diameter is out by 5mm doh ......... I'm going to change the tyres....armed with a tape measure!!!!

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