
New Member
Going down the motorway I heard a noise it sounded like a baloon going down and my turbo boost gauge is hardly moving up. I don't think it has lost any power and I am still getting the turbo whirring sound.
Can any of you experts give me any advice please.:confused:
dont know much about turbo's but have you checked all your pipework? could have split a hose somewhere causing it to suck air in from where it shouldnt... just a thought. poss pressure related.

You may not be able to find a hole or gap easily in the pipework as it may only expend when the turbo is blowing, so getting it to do this at idle or even with increased revs me be hard.

Try some soapy water on and around the pipework and see if you can see little air bubbles.
Yea you are all dead right I have had a look and I have found it, a split hose.
For a horible moment I thought it was going to cost me an arm and a leg, Thanks!!
why shud he fit a patch? - ok if he is stuck - or short of cash - but why not replace the hose if he can? Even betta replace it with Silicone - then he can forget it.
The best way of patching up a high pressure hose is to wrap the hose with ptfe tape first then insulting tape covering the lot (have seen many a pressure hose repaired temp like this and it does work). I ran round in my Disco tdi for a week before changing my split hose this way.

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