joe soap

Active Member
cant get 2a to run right been on scorn for 10 years put on new webber, sufferd with fuel starvaition-in line filter always nearly mt -checked pick up pipe in tank--fuel pipe ok-put on new pump still no joy keeped stalling-----old zenith leaks at throttle spindle--going to try a zenith copy £50 on ebay - has any body tyried one -- l have had this landy for 20 years just got new mot but sadly l find it hard to drive no -pas and heavy clutch but always put smille on my face when l get behind the wheel but im 70 years of age and l dread getting a punchure could never lift the heavy wheel any way thanks for looking -cold wet Somerset
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hiya mate ,inline filter not full is normal, the new weber if set up properly should be prettygood ,mine was 2 years ago

have you taken petrol pipe of carb and turn motor over to see flow rate? is the ignition system pucker?

any pics of your motor /engine bay?

oh ,welcome.................
thanks took top off webber when come to halt miles from no ware completly dry use lever on pump
to fill carb- zenith was running weak even with air screwed right in -put in new manifoild gasket -will check timming again when done bye strobe at about 500 rpm then checked it static strobe looked retarded
your pump might be be knackered,i went to electric

is the float set up properly? i used 6.5 and 13 mm drill bits to guage ,if i remember right
new pump --going to bite the bullet and try chinny carb and hope its not valve trouble or head gasket thanks steve
I bought a Zenith copy a while back (maybe 8 years ago), I had the Zenith warp problem. I have lapped the halves a few times now and no more black smoke, rough idling. The trouble I have is hot start on a hot day, seems like I all the petrol boils out of carb, must crank engine a bit to start. Also I have to let engine warm up a bit before driving or it stalls and misfires. Minor quirks. Also had the plastic float get a hole and sink before. Might be from ethanol or hot temps.
I put a Britpart zenith copy on mine 1year back and its run perfect ever since :)
thanks mate, l have put the copy zenith carb on it runs fine, best for a long time plugs nice and brown after altering the mixture a bit but what l find a bit baffling it starts with out the choke-- and closing and opening the choke makes no diference to engine speed on cold morning choke flap opens and shuts ok --not running rich steady tick over--no stalling--- so l go with the old saying if it aint broke dont fix it
thanks mate, l have put the copy zenith carb on it runs fine, best for a long time plugs nice and brown after altering the mixture a bit but what l find a bit baffling it starts with out the choke-- and closing and opening the choke makes no diference to engine speed on cold morning choke flap opens and shuts ok --not running rich steady tick over--no stalling--- so l go with the old saying if it aint broke dont fix it
I tried repair kits first waste of money ! if the carb is worn its knackerd . Mine also starts without choke even on a cold morning. :)
The Zenith copies seem a bit of a hit and miss affair. Quality varies considerably and while it's not an enormous amount to spend on taking a punt it seems a shame nobody has come up with a refurb for the throttle spindle wear that kills the originals.

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