dale, the footpath has been started at the greenfield end of the cob and is going all the way along. it has always been a conservation area but has not been enforced due to flintshire council being a bunch of ****ers, maybe they should become members here. living in north wales there are plenty of places to go locally that are legal without just ripping it up on a piece of common land.like it has been said before in this thread, illegal use of land causes major annoyance to everyone and leads to hatred of 4x4's. and as for askin people to send you their addresses i think that was a tad immature. if you like the forum then stay and join in, if you dont then find one you do. it really is thast simple
aye, excuse my politeness im still unwindin from werk, giz an hour and normal service will bee resumed
Any old how I thought you might like some poetry.

They **** you up, your mam and dad.
They don't mean to, but they do.
They fill you with the faults they had
And add some extra, just for you.

But they were ****ed up in their turn
By silly old fools in old hats and coats,
Who half the time were soppy stern
And half at each other's throats.

Man hands down misery to man.
It deepens like a coastal shelf.
Get out as early as you can,
And don't have any kids yourself.​
Good thread this.
Dale Thanks for the warning but i think yous been a bit niave.If i jollyed round on some land which wasnt for offroading and not a greenlaning I wouldnt be the least bit surprised if I got a major bolloocking/fine/kicking off somebody- offical/flith/landowners whoever. If some pikeys rocked up on that land and said there had been travellers on that area for years would that be acceptable?Ihave the same problem where I work, people come on and use the land for moto crossers and quads.Then some kid snaps his neck and dies.His family kick up a stink and try to sue the land owner because its the land owners fault?I dont think so!Turns out the kid was there with his folks and his grandad-they had been doing it for years!
Long and the short of it, theyd been tresspassing and generally naughty but they wanted to blame someone else.Take responsibility for your own actions
Conservation started at the queensferry side many years ago. (fact)

I like the site because the members have such extensive knowledge which is somewhat helpfull.

i dislike the negative attitudes of some, because i do not fall into your criteria of "one of the boys", some may see my speech sayin name callers may post their addresses which some see as nieve, since which no one has put a name as such???? which leads me to believe this site oes have the odd bully or two, i say bully coz once confrunted they back off !!!!!

Shame such a good site is visited by so many clowns. you all have your extended views from the original thread that was posted to warn as i did not know of the possible dangers etc.

Question for yella????? do you own this site?????????????
did you create off road driving possibly?????????????
are you a god?????????????????????????????

So why do you feel your views are so bang on???????????????????

are you a perfect human being i wonder?????????????????

it would seem so?????????????

may i have the priveledge to visit this site occasionally for advice?????????

with your godly concent of course, i will wait in reply your lordship and i can only hope i will one day be half the man you are. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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