Is there any places left on this may trip ? , if so I can get a free day that weekend but will have to bring the missus and kids ( not so free then :) ).

Which route did you take paul , m way or scenic ? should have stopped for a brew .
M way from Doncaster to Shrewsbury then A483, A44 I think ... had a big diversion on the way back, but a productive one!! ;)
Dunno if it's my computer or Youtube, but I've uploaded some videos and it won't let me select them ...
Heheheh, nope, no reason to be annoyed. Just a tad unexpected for the style of the street ... I don't mean in a bad way either, far better than seeing rows of Jimnys or X5's ... ;)

Me finks we need piccies of this street. :D
First video that's working ... more to come ...

[ame=""]YouTube- Snow drifts across the lane[/ame]
Few more ...

Please bear in mind that this is a cheap webcam, hooked up to a very old P2 laptop that I 'borrowed' off the wife, so no colour correction, no auto brightness and contrast, just a basic ****eoldcam, hence the very poor quality until the sun goes down behind the hills ... ;)

i did it this way to 'prove' that it'd work on the cheap ... I now have plans to use a real video camera, hooked up to a decent laptop (when it's fixed) to get better videos. I ended up with about 5 hours of video, obviously a lot of which is mundane 'easy' lanes and roads, but it all recorded just over 5 G on the hard drive. The real video cam has much better quality, auto focus and colour balance and possibly smaller filesize too!

Just need to make a decent mount up, or maybe a simple lash a tripod to the passenger handholds .. ;)
[ame=""]YouTube- 1snow.mpg[/ame]

[ame=""]YouTube- water1.mpg[/ame]

[ame=""]YouTube- water2.mpg[/ame]
[nomedia=""]YouTube- water3.mpg[/nomedia]

[ame=""]YouTube- Snowbashing.mpg[/ame]
[nomedia=""]YouTube- Stream with a kicker.mpg[/nomedia]

[ame=""]YouTube- Trees.mpg[/ame]
[ame=""]YouTube- Its all sideways.mpg[/ame]
Paul they are great vids though the quality is crap you can see it all, realy good love them looks great in the snow and on the sideways lane, and shows how deep the water is looks like it touchs my spare on the one vid, gives others an idea what they are in for in may
Soon as I make a mount I can use a decent video camera (Got one that the tapes nackered on, but which the laptop can capture from) and hopefully that'll get the quality ... ;)
Robin got a good one that is basically a g clamp type affair with a camera mount on the top. He fixes it to the grab handle on the passenger side.
I've got a normal camera tripod that I'm going to use ... somehow .. ;)
Robin just pm'd me with details of it, and I just ordered it from ebay .. ;)

Cheers Robint, appreciated.
Looks like it was a great days lanning!!not sure about the sideways slant on my rd tyres tho:wtf: But i'll be there :tea: I'll bring the jim beam if anyone likes it

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