
Active Member
what a right pain in the neck this system is the person or persons who thought of it should be sacked the whole system is so blooming annoying one minute it works the next minute the three lights are back on so I clean the sensors and it works for a short time then its off again mine is doing my head in :violent:
I know how you feel....mine turned out to be faulty sensors......but replacing them with ebay specials dont help.....The places that offer a warranty on sensors seem to work ok....

A scanner would help no ends, but at £300 a pop....ill take my chances with a £15 ebay special or £20 with 18 month warranty....
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If you look for freds on the 3 amigos you'll get help on what others did to solve the problem. A code read would give you a quick answer.
my son who is just over 4 years old said to me his toy defender is better than my land rover as my abs lights keep coming on:):)
my son who is just over 4 years old said to me his toy defender is better than my land rover as my abs lights keep coming on:):)

:eek::violent: damn kids. Don't you just hate it when they come out with stuff like that!!!

Gotta love the simple logic though:rolleyes:
(touching wood) I've never had a sensor go - but the main modulator went and had to be replaced. You can change as many sensors and as often as you like, but if its the modulator, you ain't going to fix it! You need a code reader to know what's gone wrong.

Maybe now that code readers are so common place and not the preserve of the main stealers, manufacturers will start putting the codes up on the dash to help out us DIY guys.
I had a shuttle valve connection fail once. Did the same mod as that done to the Disco, no more lights :)

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