
Crazier than a box of frogs on acid
Hello guys and girls of lz.

Time to start the write up of me new project.

It is going to be a trayback but that's all im giving away ;) (the rest is secret for now:p)

Anyways I'm starting out with a disco chassis albeit heavily modifid. :cool:

So this is how far I've got so far with it.

Started by making all the necessary repairs as it did have a few hole on both sides of the chassis near the front radius arm mounts.


Then got very annoyed with working on the floor so made up a rotisserie style thing so i can turn the chassis through 360 degrees at a reasonable working height. :)


By this point i have already cut off about a foot of the rear of the chassis and have started fabricating the new back end.

Next came making up the rear winch tray, and also welding on the roll cage mounts.



Next up i started fabricating up the roll cage mounts to attach the main hoop to the chassis.
But only got as far as welding one on as the weather turnt nasty so had to pack up pretty quickly :(


And that's about as far as I've got with it thus far but should (as long as the weather holds off) get plenty more done over this week/weekend and update you again soon :)

Thanks for reading
Ah right yeah i get ya now:eek: That's where i got building the main hoop cage mount from :) but yes the plan is to build it to arlc spec.

Top stuff :) just checking :)

Mark is right about recovery points there has to be a bolts one too such as a jate ring or tow ball, I'm my club you have to have something that a rope can be put on without undoing or shackling which is
Why tow balls are perfect
Top stuff :) just checking :)

Mark is right about recovery points there has to be a bolts one too such as a jate ring or tow ball, I'm my club you have to have something that a rope can be put on without undoing or shackling which is
Why tow balls are perfect

Awesome. :)

Ok so what if i were to make the recovery points out of the 20mm steel but welded onto a 10mm thick plate that can be bolted to the chassis? Would that be any better? I've made these as recovery points. So there still pretty adaptable atm. And was planning on putting a jate ring on each.


Or would i be better off machining something that could be bolted to the chassis?
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Most are just a tow ball bolted though plate with a spreader plate, you could have that in the middle and then weld them mounts to the chassis with jate rings, can't have enough recovery points
Well had a bit of a play with the welder tonight and made my recovery points for the winch tray on the back end of the chassis.

Here's a few pic's. :)

Cutting some 20mm steel to the right size.


The 20mm steel being tapped to take an m10 bolt.


Then forgot to take a few pictures as i had bring me the horizon blaring in me headphones :D
But heres a pic of the plate welded to the 20mm piece.


Behind the plate there are 2 holes directly behind the 20mm piece and put 2 40mm countersunk m10 bolts in. So as well as the weld there 2 bolts holding it together.
And here's the finished article :D


Hope these will be strong enough. Anyone think otherwise?
I should imagine they will be good enough providing the welds are good.
Got any.more pics of the vice on your saw? The old man made one but the vice is a bit small.
I should imagine they will be good enough providing the welds are good.
Got any.more pics of the vice on your saw? The old man made one but the vice is a bit small.

I hope so im half tempted to make another and get my dad to test it when he gets his digger stuck again :D if it can pull a 10 tonne digger out without breaking im sure it'll pull a landy out.

Can you wait until Monday for a pic? It's not my saw unfortunately it's one i have access to at work :)
Bit more done today....... Well a very small bit:( damn weather :mad:

Roll on the day the lean to goes up ;)

Before the heavens opened i did manage to just about get the 2nd main hoop mount welded on.


Just leaves the front hoop mounts to do which hopefully will start fabricating this afternoon once I've picked up some 1mm cutting discs.

Once the cage mounts are all welded up, the new engine mounts are welded in and whatever else i can think of that may possibly need doing I'm sending it off to be galvanised :)

Then tomorrow if the weather holds off I will continue to cut up my discovery's body. As i only need need the bulkhead and floorpan :D
Sure no rush. Your landy cant create 10ton on force on a dead pull.. but snatching, its not far off! But still providing the welds are good they should be fine!
Awesome. :)

Ok so what if i were to make the recovery points out of the 20mm steel but welded onto a 10mm thick plate that can be bolted to the chassis? Would that be any better? I've made these as recovery points. So there still pretty adaptable atm. And was planning on putting a jate ring on each.


Or would i be better off machining something that could be bolted to the chassis?

Put a shackle on them
This is an excellent project, home built instead of ordering a pile of bits and just assembling it! Good stuff, keep us updated!

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