Sure no rush. Your landy cant create 10ton on force on a dead pull.. but snatching, its not far off! But still providing the welds are good they should be fine!

Sorry it took so long but heres a pic of the vice you were after :)


This is an excellent project, home built instead of ordering a pile of bits and just assembling it! Good stuff, keep us updated!

Thanks :) Nothing like the satisfaction of building something yourself, well I enjoy it anyway:D

Will keep the updates coming! ;) speaking of which may have one by the weekend if the weather holds off :)
Finally got a little more fabrication work done on the chassis :) took longer than i was expecting as my welder decided to give up on me :( but got it going again and shuld get much more done now. When it stop raining :rolleyes:

Anyways I've now decided to scrap the entire disco body (rather than trying to make the floorpan and bulkhead fit) and am now going to building my own bulkhead etc. So today started building the new outriggers.

On to the pictures.




At least i just about managed to get both sides welded up fully before as usual it decided to **** it down with rain! :mad:

Now just need to finish off with a 6mm plate on top then buy some 50x50x3mm box to build the bulkhead :)
Finally got a little more fabrication work done on the chassis :) took longer than i was expecting as my welder decided to give up on me :( but got it going again and shuld get much more done now. When it stop raining :rolleyes:

Anyways I've now decided to scrap the entire disco body (rather than trying to make the floorpan and bulkhead fit) and am now going to building my own bulkhead etc. So today started building the new outriggers.

On to the pictures.




At least i just about managed to get both sides welded up fully before as usual it decided to **** it down with rain! :mad:

Now just need to finish off with a 6mm plate on top then buy some 50x50x3mm box to build the bulkhead :)

I did the same for my front roll cage outrigers, after i had done them I saw a pic of a tube instead of a box like this.
Would be rather easy to do, just cut 2 holes either side of that chassis with a bi-metal hole saw and weld in! Not sure what that's like strength wise mind you?
this is what I mean.
Land Rover Owner • View topic - Tubular Outriggers
I did the same for my front roll cage outrigers, after i had done them I saw a pic of a tube instead of a box like this.
Would be rather easy to do, just cut 2 holes either side of that chassis with a bi-metal hole saw and weld in! Not sure what that's like strength wise mind you?
this is what I mean.
Land Rover Owner • View topic - Tubular Outriggers

That's good to know. :) Well I'm following what it says on the arlc website to build all my mounts so it should be strong enough.

As for the link........ Yea i don't think I'd trust that tbh :eek:

Got a little more done today anyway :)

6mm top plate has been welded onto the box.


And here's a pic of both plates welded on. And the chassis in all its glory :)


Then i started fabricating the v8's engine mounts. Unfortunately by the time I'd finished making them it started raining again so couldn't get them welded to the chassis :(


Hopefully once the tdi mounts are cut off and the v8 mounts are on that should be all the main chassis welding done :)
Only thing i might consider is ribbing the underside of the rear winch tray just incase it ever gets caught on a drop off.

Then it'll be attacked with wire brushes to take it back to clean metal then i can get on and paint it.
Cheers lads :)

It don't look like much at the minute but hopefully once the bulkhead and cage start getting fabricated it should start getting more interesting ;)

the latter welds look better than the earlier ones,nothing wrong with the earlier ones i might this since you repaired the welder??
the latter welds look better than the earlier ones,nothing wrong with the earlier ones i might this since you repaired the welder??

Yea the first lot of welding i wasn't 100% happy with but since the welders been fixed its performing much better :)I still think i should of turnt the heat down a little on the latter welds though. But never mind they don't look too bad. :eek:

It got a new euro torch, liner, and wire feed (as the wire feed packed up) and a new 15kg wire reel. Got my mate who's a welder by trade to set wire feed up as it was his machine originally. So knows what he's doing (i hope).
Yea the first lot of welding i wasn't 100% happy with but since the welders been fixed its performing much better :)I still think i should of turnt the heat down a little on the latter welds though. But never mind they don't look too bad. :eek:

It got a new euro torch, liner, and wire feed (as the wire feed packed up) and a new 15kg wire reel. Got my mate who's a welder by trade to set wire feed up as it was his machine originally. So knows what he's doing (i hope).

yes i did notice the heat burn,but that is ok as well,the welds are very good so dont worry,when you are using that thickness of plate,do you just butt joint them,or do you chamfer for deeper welds??
yes i did notice the heat burn,but that is ok as well,the welds are very good so dont worry,when you are using that thickness of plate,do you just butt joint them,or do you chamfer for deeper welds??

There is no heat burn:rolleyes: The blue you see is called heat affected zone and is a indicator of a good quality weld;)
yes i did notice the heat burn,but that is ok as well,the welds are very good so dont worry,when you are using that thickness of plate,do you just butt joint them,or do you chamfer for deeper welds??

All the butt welds were chamfered. Especially considering it going to be holding the cage on. I want it to be as strong as possible so thought there was no point skimping on the prep work :)
There is no heat burn:rolleyes: The blue you see is called heat affected zone and is a indicator of a good quality weld;)

oi,just fook off will call it what you want,i will call it what i want.jeezus you are one interfering git.
All the butt welds were chamfered. Especially considering it going to be holding the cage on. I want it to be as strong as possible so thought there was no point skimping on the prep work :)

excellent bud.tis coming along very well.keep up the good you going to go on in the dark nights/bad weather??
excellent bud.tis coming along very well.keep up the good you going to go on in the dark nights/bad weather??

Thanks :)
Hopefully build a lean to on the the side of the garage in the next month or so and get some lighting put up in there too, anything to keep it going although it might slow down a little over the next few months as I've got a series 3 turning up today that needs some fettling :rolleyes:
Thanks :)
Hopefully build a lean to on the the side of the garage in the next month or so and get some lighting put up in there too, anything to keep it going although it might slow down a little over the next few months as I've got a series 3 turning up today that needs some fettling :rolleyes:

ok,tis a shame you are so far away from me,i have got one of those blue and white striped party rooms that you could have borrowed.tis a big one as well.:)
ok,tis a shame you are so far away from me,i have got one of those blue and white striped party rooms that you could have borrowed.tis a big one as well.:)

Tis a shame..... Something like that would of been perfeck!

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