yu sure its ya wallet, hb? I have that effect sumtimes?

at the end of the day - its a q of bodge it - or fix it proper?
yu sure its ya wallet, hb? I have that effect sumtimes?

Yer make me laff out loud!! Love yer!! You got me all in a kerrfuffle again... Bodge it or Fix it, that is the question. I like makin things myself. Surely thats how stuff was dun in the olden days? A steel bolt and a tap n die can do a 'proper' job can't it? I do like to make a good heath robinson job of it. :)
kerrfuffle - ;)

i find that if ya bodge it, it has a habit of snappin' round and bitin' ya bum when ya least want it to. It invariably works out more expensive in the long terrm too:(
I see whatcha sayin and I know it's right. Thank you wise and sensible one. Me wallets flatlining now... You's gotta be rich to keep yer landy happy eh?! Its higher maintenance than me ex boyfriend. And a lot more fun! X
its just yu and me gal;)

lets sneak orf - no one will notice......... (exit stage left whistling)

goodnite folks :D:p
I was bein RESOURCEFUL!!! Twas all I cud find ta stickit all tugether! It worked did'nt it?!! It GOT ME HOME!!!!
I is dumb struck 'n' dumb founded tis a wuman dat has got a clue. fair play me girl fer avin a go. shame taint any mor wer you came frum. eggsackly wot we kneed on yer!
yu sure its ya wallet, hb? I have that effect sumtimes?

Yer make me laff out loud!! Love yer!! You got me all in a kerrfuffle again... Bodge it or Fix it, that is the question. I like makin things myself. Surely thats how stuff was dun in the olden days? A steel bolt and a tap n die can do a 'proper' job can't it? I do like to make a good heath robinson job of it. :)

Why arent all women ourt of your mold 'hybridgirl'... GAWD I wish. My woman has no idea about anything with oil on it or in it. Unless its a salad dressing or summat she bungs on her hair. She needs a bath in some good old 20/50 with me and a wire brush.. oooer missus..
never appen.
kerrfuffle - ;)

i find that if ya bodge it, it has a habit of snappin' round and bitin' ya bum when ya least want it to. It invariably works out more expensive in the long terrm too:(

that's cos your bodges are crap..you need to do a proper bodge fer it to last.. i fixed a radiator with a huge hole in it with two tubes of araldite and as far as i know its still ok
that's cos your bodges are crap..you need to do a proper bodge fer it to last.. i fixed a radiator with a huge hole in it with two tubes of araldite and as far as i know its still ok

i fink by bodge, it invariable equates to "temporary fix" - I can only imagine that your "bodge" was, in fact , a "field repair" and, as such, cannot be classified as "bodge":D It just shows, Slob, that you do not bodge, your years of excellent automotive skills just give you an alternative approach to permanent solutions:D;):p.
I is dumb struck 'n' dumb founded tis a wuman dat has got a clue. fair play me girl fer avin a go. shame taint any mor wer you came frum. eggsackly wot we kneed on yer!
Thank you! avin a go is wot its all about. If I bawls'is it up I bawls'is it up. I then get on the forum and you guys tell me how to fix it proper! I can't lose! Tis all a LERNIN' CURVE...!:D
Why arent all women ourt of your mold 'hybridgirl'... GAWD I wish. My woman has no idea about anything with oil on it or in it. Unless its a salad dressing or summat she bungs on her hair. She needs a bath in some good old 20/50 with me and a wire brush.. oooer missus..
never appen.
WD40 would be a great perfume for her if you wanted to spoil her? I LOVE the smell o that stuff. I'm sure she would too... :confused: ;)
Top o the mornin to yer MHM!! I'm on late shifts at work so I don't start till 11am. Bit cold fer workin tho! Its snowin here! X

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