
Hi with my trailer attached and electrics plugged in and ignition on, all lights work as they should on car and trailer, except the indicator trailer warning dashboard light.
Disconnected trailer electrics and trailer, switch on the ignition and the trailer indicator warning light starts flashing as if the light board was attached and a bulb had blown ie 2 or 3 times faster than normal operating speed.
All the indicators work as they should on the car, but warning trailer indicator bottom right hand corner of the dash unit flashes like mad, if I use the car indicators the light starts flashing as it should if the trailer lights were attached.
If the trailer is attached it still flashes like mad until you use the indicators when it works as it should.
I have tried and brand new indicator relay which made no difference at all and have had an electrician friend check out the earth's and wiring and he could find nothing wrong.
Would be grateful for any HELP!!
Hi, did you find out what the problem was?
I have the same problem now. The indicator trailer warning flashes like mad all the time.
Hope you can help. Thanks in advance.
It looks very dry and new.
Now I bought a new standart relay that I think will egnore the trailer warning. Then I probably just have to change to the heavy duty relay if I'm driving with trailer. Hope this works!!!
It looks very dry and new.
Now I bought a new standart relay that I think will egnore the trailer warning. Then I probably just have to change to the heavy duty relay if I'm driving with trailer. Hope this works!!!

There's nothing "Heavy duty" with the towing relay. Internally they have the same relay contacts as the non-sensed relay. The only difference between them is the towing relay has the light output and sensing circuit for the light. They are both capable of driving 160 Watts of indicator.

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