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Hi everyone. I just signed up as a newbie.
I have a 2001 Discovery Td5. The traction control seems incredibly sensitive. It kicks from time to time with that unmistakable, rapid, ratchety noise from behind the dash, with the TC light sometimes temporarily coming on, sometimes not. This can happen by simply turning a corner on a dry road.
A couple of years ago, I had the three amigos problem. I changed all four hubs incl. bearings and sensors. All good after that, but this new problem has been hanging around for a few months.
A potential clue - when I start the engine, there's a noise similar to the ratchety one described above, just for a couple of seconds, and a corresponding vibration can be felt through the brake pedal.
There are no warning lights on the dash, all are clear.
Any ideas anyone?
Welcome to LandyZone. :)
You might want to change your location to something a bit more generic rather than a post code.
Watching this as I'm having similar issues with my TC, just driving over a pothole in the road can trigger mine. I read it could be suspension related but changing all 4 shocks didn't have any real impact.
Mine sometimes seems to be a bit like this, But as long as it is all working when I need it, and the 3 amigos are staying off the rest of the time, then it'll continue to pass its MOT and behave to get you out of trouble when you need it.
Point of interest, what tyres are you on?
questions for all with TC misbehaviour :
1. do you have standard dimension wheels and tyres verified all to be at the recommended pressures as in the book? ...if not dont expect the TC to work as it was concieved
2, are all 4 hubs the same quality branded parts or a mixage of genuine and cheap sh*t ?
3. do you have a dedicated diagnostic tool?
questions for all with TC misbehaviour :
1. do you have standard dimension wheels and tyres verified all to be at the recommended pressures as in the book? ...if not dont expect the TC to work as it was concieved
I just recently fitted a very expensive brand new set of genuine LR Adventurer alloys with brand new Continental AT tyres, just checked the pressures again and although a slight variant (now corrected) i can't see this would have caused the TC to come on but will report back.
2, are all 4 hubs the same quality branded parts or a mixage of genuine and cheap sh*t ?
I have replaced 3 of the 4 hubs with genuine LR when they showed signs of wheel bearing play, bizarrely the 4th (NSF) still isn't showing any sign of play so I haven't had to replace it so don't know if this is original or after market replacement thats been on for many years.
3. do you have a dedicated diagnostic tool?
No I haven't got one , would the TC throw up readable fault codes when it is operating ?


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The TC would not throw a fault code, the codes are ABS system related and stored once the 3 amigos were on...a tester is needed to read live sensor inputs to see where the missbalance comes from, at this point there is no fault in the system just that the TC kicks in unneeded cos one of the sensors gives different readings than the other 3 so the TC comes in to equalise the wheel speeds... if 3 hubs are genuine and one aftermarket most probably there's the problem, some aftermarkets have the wrong number of teeth on the reluctor ring
Sounds to me like TC is generally doing what it should be doing except for on start-up as no wheels are turning and therefore there cannot be a rotation speed mismatch to trigger TC.
Is your ABS throwing any faults? I don't know what specific system the Disco uses, maybe its the same as the P38 and New/used Wabco-D ECU's for TC/ABS are getting expensive I hear. :(
Should have qualified that. If there is a fault with the sensor, it will throw up a fault code. If there isn't then it won't.
TC operating as it should isn't a fault so why would there be a code? If there is a fault with the TC due to a sensor then it will throw up a code, the three amigos are what normally tell you there is a fault and once you have them a code will show up or more than one.
But othere who are more genius with electrickery are already on so I'll shut up and go away!:)

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