Big Merv

New Member
Hello folks. I have 96 4.6 hse. When out in the snow on a very slight incline my traction control decided to kick in with result of putting me sideways nearly through a garden wall. Luckily i didn't hit anything. However everytime tried to pull away the tc light came on and the back end just stepped out as if I was trying to do a handbrake turn. Once I had let all all the 2wheel drive euroboxes past, embarrassing enough, I drove up the incline in a diagonal manner. Tc stands for f'ing nightmare! In my book.

So traction control comes in and it feels exactly like you have started a handbrake turn. If you turn into this and add slightly more power it makes the situation worse. This cannot be normal? I could only more forward in 5 metres increments before being completely sideways across the road. Any thoughts? My non tc diesel p38 is sooo much better and safer in the snow.

Hmmmmmm that doesn't sound right at all... Both my 4.6's never did that in the snow, in fact they performed impeccably.

The traction control works by pulsing the brakes to the spinning wheel to increase traction to the wheel with more grip......not sure how that translates to a sideways slip mind, but the physics of friction, traction and inertia are vast and when faced with 2 tonnes and snow are incomprehensible!!

I would be making sure your VCU is operating properly first to ensure the correct delivery is being made to each axle....
+1 on the VCU
There is clearly something wrong. It didn't do that when it was new.
Have you got decent tyres on it ?
I have never been pitched sideways by TC. I've had it stop all four wheels while trying to climb up a hill. You aren't one of these silly people with L322 wheels on your P38 are you? Or got some other form of drug dealers wheels with a tiny slither of rubber wrapped around them?
I am wondering even if at some time in the past the brake pipes have been replaced and been reconnected wrongly at the brake booster?
Possibly the brake pipes have been connected wrong as the TC will be putting the brakes to the wheel that actually has grip then and making this alot worse every time it trys to stop it

not got a rr but a td5 disco tc stopped all my attempts at sideways fun something not right ther

I wouldn't mind getting the brain of his TC, I think I'd quite enjoy enjoy it :D
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Thanks all. Have snow tyres on at the moment. Had a look at calipers they don't look great. Disks look new as do pads but the wear mark around the disks are very thin towards the outside of disks - so possibly caliper related? Tc does kick in with a clunk. Will rave give me any idea of pipework configuration so I can check if it is correctly configured? 4 wheel drive does seem to be working and their was no audible cherping on full lock on dry roads how else can I check vc?

Cheers all.
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Thanks all. Have snow tyres on at the moment. Had a look at calipers they don't look great. Disks look new as do pads but the wear mark around the disks are very thin towards the outside of disks - so possibly caliper related? Tc does kick in with a clunk. Will rave give me any idea of pipework configuration so I can check if it is correctly configured? 4 wheel drive does seem to be working and their was no audible cherping on full lock on dry roads how else can I check vc?

Cheers all.

By jacking up the front wheel and a long bar on one of the wheel nuts the wheel should be very stiff to turn , if you can not turn it it siezed
Also just came back from a run and the rear disks area little to warm/hot for my liking. Binding calipers? Does the p38 share the same rear calipers as the rover 75 front calipers?
Cheers saint.
Realised I can't spell....!!

Also just came back from a run and the rear disks area little to warm/hot for my liking. Binding calipers? Does the p38 share the same rear calipers as the rover 75 front calipers?
Never scrimp/save on brakes.....I don't know if there are, but replace with P38 Calipers in anycase....especially when a rear caliper is only £30 odd attached.

Rear Brakes - Island 4x4 - Specialists in Land Rover and Range Rover Parts and accessories for all models. UK and worldwide mail order.

(probably best to replace in pairs!)
Realised I can't spell....!!

Never scrimp/save on brakes.....I don't know if there are, but replace with P38 Calipers in anycase....especially when a rear caliper is only £30 odd attached.

Rear Brakes - Island 4x4 - Specialists in Land Rover and Range Rover Parts and accessories for all models. UK and worldwide mail order.

(probably best to replace in pairs!)

Ordered! Plus carrier and sliders. Now to the joy and fun of breaking the pipes free of rusty old caliper and bleeding through in artic conditions. Man!

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