
Active Member
Hi All, just joined the forum as I have just again joined the ranks of Disco 2 owners. I had one 18 months ago, drove all over europe in it but had to sell as i was skint... Finances now better and after much searching I found a gorgeous 2001 D2 TD5 ES, everything works (well almost), engine is great, chassis is superb and its the cleanest D2 i have seen in a long time.. needless to say i am totally in love with her much to the wifes dismay.

Much like the wife, the landy does have her faults.. she is slightly sluggish, so ERG delete ordered MAF cleaned and a little preload on the waste gate should make all the difference. steering is a little wooly but looks like its due new track rod ends so they have been ordered to..

there is one issue I can't easily diagnose and wonder if the good members of this forum can help. Each time i go over a bump in the road or a pothole the Traction control light comes on accompanied by the wirring noise you associate with TC being active.. It is as if i am on a slippery surface TC is kicking in, but im not im on a dry road and its the bump that has caused it... what could this be?

thanks in advance

i get this if i boot it over bumps.. occasionally,

i assumed it was simply because 1 wheel was unloading and spinning and the TC was having a little panic and coming into effect.
Hi I came across this while looking for information on a chip Express tuning box I had exactly the same problem was told by a forum member somewhere it was a weak suspension problem a year later I decided to do a 2 inch lift ( green laning with defenders) so new Shocks and springs which has completely fixed the problem used the yellow britpart medium set up and can't fault them at all plus they're cheap the only britpart I would recommend
Quite often spurious TC operation is linked to worn wheel bearings as well as knackered dampers.
Have you had the car connected to a fault code reader to see what errors are stored?
Weak dampeners sounds right to me, it is what i was suspecting of as the wheel bouncing due to lack of dampening from a bad shock would cause the ecu to mistake for wheel slip, suporting this is the fact it only does this when i go over a bump accelerating not when coasting.. its not wheel bearings they have all been done recently. just need to find which shock or just change all of them to be sure.

I had a similar problem when taking a mini island spiritedly in the wet. The nearside rear sort of 'banged' and briefly locked up causing the rear of the car to slew sideways. Presume it was something to do with the T/C.

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