
Well-Known Member
I’m thinking of fitting a tracker/alarm/immobiliser to my 1987 110.
Obviously immobilising a simply 2.5NA is very simple but then very easy to defeat.
Does anyone have any good ideas in this area? I think a concealed GPS and a loud alarm is what I’m after.
I’m thinking of fitting a tracker/alarm/immobiliser to my 1987 110.
Obviously immobilising a simply 2.5NA is very simple but then very easy to defeat.
Does anyone have any good ideas in this area? I think a concealed GPS and a loud alarm is what I’m after.

Back2You do a great tracker service
It depends a lot on what you want the tracker to do, and what your favourite way of interacting with technology is. If you want something that pings your mobile phone if the Land Rover moves that's one thing, but other features might cost a bit more. I've got a Back2You too, which is a bit more expensive than some but it allows you to log into their website and draw diagrams of where your Land Rover (or anything else really) has been. When I've been about the country on trips I've posted pictures of them on here. Plus I'm not a big mobile phone person - I'd much rather look at a proper website with a proper computer, so it suits me. It just needs a permanent live and an ignition switched live so you can hide it wherever you can run a couple of wires, and where it's likely to stay relatively dry.
Evening all. Great advice here and helping me consider options. Does anyone have experience of LRD Track from 4Wdrive? He’s quite active on Landywatch but I couldn’t find any info from searching the forums.
A quick update on Back2you. It's about the time my subscription was due to renew but I hadn't received an invoice from them. On contacting them, they sent a new tracker out to me because, they said, the old one would be getting unreliable now. It arrived yesterday and I've just popped out and fitted it. Even easier than before, as there are only two wires, so I've just given it a permanent live and an earth. It's already showing up on their map, which seems to be based on Google aerial photos now. Very prompt and pleasant service too - they actually seemed to remember who I was!

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