17th-May-2007, 20:26
yella disco

Senior Member with implants

what a load of old bollocks!

yo shud ad that to ya avatart.
I`ve read somewhere that if a trailor ( and that is what anything attached to rear of vehicle and has any wheels in contact with the ground ) is below a certain width and length and at least one tail/brake/indicater light can be seen from a given angle when turning( not sure how much of an angle ) it is not breaking the law . Correct in saying MOT and Tax on anything with an engine;)
this cast me back to my younger days when the ice cream van always had a sign on the back "watch that child, he may be deaf". i always wondered why would you want to watch a deaf kid
how would he know when his tea was ready.....
. they're all sat round the table and dad's sez" wurs oor yella?, did you tell him his tea wur oot?"
ma.. " aye ah opened the back door and shouted, he must have heard me cos he wur stood next to our doris and she's here"
how about just buy him a watch and a chalk board, write on the chalk board "DINNER AT 5 O CLOCK" then send him on his way and remind him to keep away from the icecream van
it might get snagged if he wur nicking apples or otherwise engaged in tree climbing resulting in it being left behind, in which case he wint know when dinner was and he'd die of starvashun
only if he finishes all his packed lunch , mind you it would be funny watchin the ice cream salesman trying to ask him if he wants crushed nuts on is cone
aye and then how about if he gets his cone, starts ter lick it and walks out behind the ice cream van, blocking the sign on the back

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