Just taken mine in to have new C/L motors on front doors, so tried the M/way setting as suggested.........FOX ME it works!!!
Press Inhibit, M/Way, release Inhibit, it drops then lock on Inhibit. Did it at about 35mph

We learn something new about P38's every day! :cool:
Just taken mine in to have new C/L motors on front doors, so tried the M/way setting as suggested.........FOX ME it works!!!
Press Inhibit, M/Way, release Inhibit, it drops then lock on Inhibit. Did it at about 35mph

We learn something new about P38's every day! :cool:

Cool, now who was it that doubted this? Clever sods, you can always learn something if you listen to folk!
Cool, now who was it that doubted this? Clever sods, you can always learn something if you listen to folk!

Yeah true, but whilst it maybe a quirk of the system it is not a recommended way of using it. Not in my users manual anyway. I prefer to let the system work as it should do.:eek::eek:
Yeah true, but whilst it maybe a quirk of the system it is not a recommended way of using it. Not in my users manual anyway. I prefer to let the system work as it should do.:eek::eek:

It's not like it can do any harm to anything! I had mine for three years and never had a problem with the EAS ever! And i used the height settings all the time including lots of towing at speed across Europe! Intact it was one of the most reliable vehicles I've had, just used far too much petrol for it's own good. Got a 03 disco td5 now and it's a pile of **** compared to the P38!
It's not like it can do any harm to anything! I had mine for three years and never had a problem with the EAS ever! And i used the height settings all the time including lots of towing at speed across Europe! Intact it was one of the most reliable vehicles I've had, just used far too much petrol for it's own good. Got a 03 disco td5 now and it's a pile of **** compared to the P38!

Try going down a big pothole at 40 mph with the reduced travel and see how much harm it can't do. The parameters programmed into the system are there for a reason. Access mode, for easy of access and can be locked in crawl upto 25 mph. Below 50mph on normal, undulating, potholed, bumpy roads standard setting. Above 50mph on a flat motorway for stability and to lessen air resistance low setting. Below 35 mph for wading high setting. Vehicle grounded, automatic extended high setting to release. You found a quirk in the system. I prefer to let the system work as it was designed to do.
Yes wammers I agree, but this all started from the towing debate, which is what I used it for. To settle the RR before entering the motorway. As you say you wouldn't want to drive on our ever more potholed roads on motorway setting, although with the addition of koni shocks it's a lot better.
Yes wammers I agree, but this all started from the towing debate, which is what I used it for. To settle the RR before entering the motorway. As you say you wouldn't want to drive on our ever more potholed roads on motorway setting, although with the addition of koni shocks it's a lot better.

Tried it today worked as you said at 20-25 mph. If a day goes by that you don't learn something new it's a wasted day. Nice one.:eek::eek::eek:
Tried it today worked as you said at 20-25 mph. If a day goes by that you don't learn something new it's a wasted day. Nice one.:eek::eek::eek:

Just tried mine, ain't going anywhere cos of the gearbox, it works with the vehicle stationary:eek: As you say something new to learn on the P38 everyday:):):)
Just tried mine, ain't going anywhere cos of the gearbox, it works with the vehicle stationary:eek: As you say something new to learn on the P38 everyday:):):)

It will be a godsend for all the cool dudes with their big wheels and blue leds. Can we safely name the the new revelation. COOL CRUISING MODE.:D:D:D
i tow a twin axle bailey senator and find that on rural or A/B roads the ride in the motor is better on motor way setting but on motorway i use normal setting this means that both caravan axles are getting more equal load and negates most swaying motion apart from white van man as he passes

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