call me daft are we talking about classic or p38 cos i resently had my p38s drivers sear out and didnt see any switch but it would be usefull if it had one

The P38 has a lock switch, it's on the dash next to the up down switch with the pretty lights. On the Classic it's under the seat.
The P38 has a lock switch, it's on the dash next to the up down switch with the pretty lights. On the Classic it's under the seat.
it dosent keep it locked though
if you lock it in access mode and switch off the engine when you come back and drive forward it raises
not good in a underground carpark with lights hanging down at 6feet
Just a quickie - I am towing a 4 wheeled bike trailer this weekend, with 3 motorbikes + wheels and spares.

Should I lock out the EAS with the underseat switch so it doesn't lower at 50mph, or leave it be for increased stability at speed?

I looked in the manual and it says the lockout switch is there if you want to lock the suspension at a fixed height, e.g. when towing - but doesn't say you have to. Does it matter if its a 2 or 4 wheeled trailer or anything?

Thoughts please!

does the 1995 range rover diesel have a switch? i couldn't find it,is it obvious?which seat is it under,and what does it look like
cheers for that
The P38 has a lock switch, it's on the dash next to the up down switch with the pretty lights. On the Classic it's under the seat.
Not on my LSE it's not. You just press the middle ride height button, and the light on it stays on. It's then locked in standard height until you press it again. I've used it many times to tow a 4 wheel trailer with another rangie on without issue.
Not on my LSE it's not. You just press the middle ride height button, and the light on it stays on. It's then locked in standard height until you press it again. I've used it many times to tow a 4 wheel trailer with another rangie on without issue.

ah well I know nowt about the classic, was just quoting the guy who said it was under the seat.:)
it dosent keep it locked though
if you lock it in access mode and switch off the engine when you come back and drive forward it raises
not good in a underground carpark with lights hanging down at 6feet

I would have to re read the book but I thought access mode could not be locked and it would raise if the car moved at more than walking pace?
I would certainly never go into a car park that needed access mode to clear as I would never trust the bugger to stay down:eek:
Here in Poitiers, the car parks have special high clearance areas for high vehicles such as vans, with the P38 locked in wading mode, it's high enough to trigger the beam and open the barrier so we get ground floor parking:D
Hi guys,

Just to clarify, there's two locakout switches for the EAS on Range Rover Classics, that do different things.

The lockout switch on the dash, between the up and down arrow switches, basically stops the suspension lowering at 52mph, e.g. when towing. Press this and it won't go down and neither will it go into raised mode if you push the up arrow. However, the EAS still works on all other regards, i.e. will self-level and if it does sink overnight, will still raise to standard height. So all this does is keeps it in standard mode.

The lockout switch under the seat locks the suspension wherever it is set. So if you have it in access mode and flick the switch under the seat, that's where it stays - e.g. if you're in a low clearance car park. Equally, if your in raised mode it'll lock it there too I believe - although I wouldn't recommend it as it won't lower at 35mph and is pretty unstable then!

That's my understanding anyway, HTH.

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