you lot in your little cleique......

Why do you do it.......

Or is it that your so damed good at upsetting newbies....:D:D:D:D:D

Carry on..... but do a ****ing serch.....
you lot in your little cleique......

Why do you do it.......

Or is it that your so damed good at upsetting newbies....:D:D:D:D:D

Carry on..... but do a ****ing serch.....

No-one has upset me yet, tried but not yet.

Then again, I'm a very placid bloke. They named a lake after me. :D
I've hardly made any posts and most of these have been questions about a broken down freelander. I've had helpful answers to all my qusetions within very short time (as well as some abuse for having a freelander). A clique of tossers? Not in my (limited) experience of this forum.
I've hardly made any posts and most of these have been questions about a broken down freelander. I've had helpful answers to all my qusetions within very short time (as well as some abuse for having a freelander). A clique of tossers? Not in my (limited) experience of this forum.

Top man, it's all here if one chooses to read the advice and discard the chaff.

I was put off for 5 mins then realised its worth it - just.
you realy are cliquey, here you are chatting amongst yourselves and not once have you included ginu 360 in your conversation,just because he refered to us all as tossers,speaking for myself thats the nicest thing ive been called all week,if he wants a sensible answer to his question then he need look no further than lro internatinal cause thats all it contains, ads for insurance companys
you realy are cliquey, here you are chatting amongst yourselves and not once have you included ginu 360 in your conversation,just because he refered to us all as tossers,speaking for myself thats the nicest thing ive been called all week,if he wants a sensible answer to his question then he need look no further than lro internatinal cause thats all it contains, ads for insurance companys

I think thats a bit unfair, the OP stated his intention to depart and if you re-read the thread you will see he was actually given the opportunity to jump back in.

I hope he is still around.

Or she.

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