"You lot are fookers" ....upsettin the lad like that , i hope you are all so very very ashamed of your selves.

If your not i hope at least you enjoyed it so something good came out of it:brick:
Ironic isn't it. He's obviously an intolerant tw&t who likes to slag people off so he should have fit in well here. What a mong.
What is wrong with some people? Put a bit of effort in, get to know the characters on here, have a laugh and give and take some banter and **** taking. Offer help where you can and (as with all forums) do a quick search before asking a question as it most likely has been asked before. Don't be a cry baby just because you thought that somehow zero input was needed and you were told so. ****es me off when people complain about cliques that don't exist anywhere but their own imagination.
why is it when you join a club, you think its gonna be full of members that are into the same sort of thing as you are, then it turns out that most of them are tossers that get in there little clicks and if you are not in that GANG they dont want to know you,sorry to the chaps that are genuin but to the rest of you **** you throw me of your site as i wont be back anyway

we're all really concerned here that we've upset a new member....

**** off!
Well it took me ages to go through his plethora of posts, but I think I've found what upset him http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/f16/insurance-any-ideas-122794.html

9 posts constitutes a plethora?

Are the moons in alignment on your planet or what?

The OP was right, Someone around here is a clique. If I had any Radox bath salts I'd go and have one. As it is I'll make do with browsing the minor plethora of Freelander admiration posts.

Plethora indeed, clique indeed. Next someone will post there's a conspiracy.
9 posts constitutes a plethora?

Are the moons in alignment on your planet or what?

The OP was right, Someone around here is a clique. If I had any Radox bath salts I'd go and have one. As it is I'll make do with browsing the minor plethora of Freelander admiration posts.

Plethora indeed, clique indeed. Next someone will post there's a conspiracy.

You are aware that 'irony' is not summat the missis does to remove creases from ya shirts, aren't you?;):D:D
You are aware that 'irony' is not summat the missis does to remove creases from ya shirts, aren't you?;):D:D

Ahhhhh, humour, ha ha, see what yer mean, nods as good as a wink Dorko, said the blind man to the socket set.
I'm still trying to make sense of this chestnut..

''Someone around here is a clique. If I had any Radox bath salts I'd go and have one.''

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