So how come my Scania runs 44 tonnes and has 450 bhp, cruises up hill and down dale all day at 56 mph, and does better than 12 miles per gallon?

I suspect you don't quite have a good grasp of the subject yet, to be making such definitive statements.


It also has about 2000 ft'lbs of torque and never revs above 2500 rpm charles is that a good enough reason why it can pull 44 tonnes @ 12mpg? I have driven V8 disco's as well as you and in my opinion they are nothing to shout about.

It also has about 2000 ft'lbs of torque and never revs above 2500 rpm charles is that a good enough reason why it can pull 44 tonnes @ 12mpg?


TORQUE per se performs NO work. Torque is only a twisting motion on a shaft.

WORK is performed by POWER.

It has 450 bhp - that's it. It pulls 44 tonnes nicely, and does 10 - 12 miles per gallon. How can it do that if you're saying a RangeRover is underpowered with only 2 tons and say 175 bhp? If the RR was to match the Scania truck's power-to-weight ratio it would need 22 times as much POWER and that would be 3,850 bhp! Stuff in two RollsRoyce Merlins and you'd be close. I don't think you've grasped it yet laddie.

If my Scania V8 ever reached 2,500 revs it would be half way to the moon!

Maybe you could explain to the LandyZone people the relationship between POWER and TORQUE? am sure we would all love to hear it.

I have driven V8 disco's as well as you and in my opinion they are nothing to shout about.


Tell that to the **** in a v8 disco who almost tore the rear and front end of my 200tdi I was doing 80mph on the A17 and he almost ploughed into the back of me in his haste to get past and then almost tore the front end off as he was forced to swerve in front of me to avoid oncoming traffic. I tried to keep up with him so I could slash his tires when he stopped. But he left me eating his dust. He was flying.

I run a 300 tdi Disco. I use it for regular 3t towing and weekend fun plus as a family car. I am thinking of changing it for an LPG V8 disco 2 with all the toys. Am I mad or will it be a good move, I know there is no substitute for cubes but am I looking at a servicing cost/fuel cost nightmare. If it turns out to be not much more than running a td5 then it seems to make sense as the purchase cost is much lower.

Looking forward to 8 in a V, subject to replies.


So pindie, you gunna get this V8?
TORQUE per se performs NO work. Torque is only a twisting motion on a shaft.

WORK is performed by POWER.

It has 450 bhp - that's it. It pulls 44 tonnes nicely, and does 10 - 12 miles per gallon. How can it do that if you're saying a RangeRover is underpowered with only 2 tons and say 175 bhp? If the RR was to match the Scania truck's power-to-weight ratio it would need 22 times as much POWER and that would be 3,850 bhp! Stuff in two RollsRoyce Merlins and you'd be close. I don't think you've grasped it yet laddie.

If my Scania V8 ever reached 2,500 revs it would be half way to the moon!

Maybe you could explain to the LandyZone people the relationship between POWER and TORQUE? am sure we would all love to hear it.


In lehmans terms Torque is how strong it turn and bhp is how fast it can turn it. BHP is an equasion worked out involving torque, you cannot have one without the other.

Tell that to the **** in a v8 disco who almost tore the rear and front end of my 200tdi I was doing 80mph on the A17 and he almost ploughed into the back of me in his haste to get past and then almost tore the front end off as he was forced to swerve in front of me to avoid oncoming traffic. I tried to keep up with him so I could slash his tires when he stopped. But he left me eating his dust. He was flying.

It's times like that when you wish you had some rockets that come out of the grill.

Nah just wish he'd stopped for petrol or summat somewhere along the route. stab stab while he paying for his fuel no more mr fast guy.
In lehmans terms Torque is how strong it turn and bhp is how fast it can turn it. BHP is an equasion worked out involving torque, you cannot have one without the other.


in simple terms - BHP is how fast yo motor can go - Torque is how quick it can get there.

for most landies Torque is the critical factor - how much can yu pull. Lets face it - who wants to be in a Series doing 160MPH!!!
hey - take 5 - that implies that bhp goes up as revs increase, providing the torque remains constant, but it dont - torque normally peaks at low rpm (relatively) but bhp keeps climbing to somewhere near max revs.

i dinna ken yo formula, buts its been a long time since I did Mech. Eng.
In lehmans terms Torque is how strong it turn and bhp is how fast it can turn it. BHP is an equasion worked out involving torque, you cannot have one without the other.



I think you were suckered there my friend, the correct expression being


the implication being that you as a qualified expert person are STILL speaking down to us simple peasant yokel LandRover owners in easy-to-understand language using small words because (as you know) we wouldn't understand the big words and technical speak with which you say you are so familiar.

You are insulting many of us, and I don't think you even know it. Most of the people you are insulting choose not to waste their time and breath telling you so. Occasionally one will. Today it's my turn. Sorry about that.

We are all still waiting with bated breath for an explanation of how a big truck with only 450 bhp (lots of them don't have anything like as much) can cruise along all day at 55 miles an hour and 44 tonnes gross.

It's hard I know, but back off a tad, and stop telling LandyOwners what they need to do, and what expensive oils they need to buy. One thing they do NOT need to do is enrich garage owners, and that's something most of us learned long ago.

Best Wishes,

Why is it that people who have very little automotive knowledge seem hell bent on ramming German cars down everyones neck ? Volvo were making car engines that would run 200,000m years before Bmw's seemed to be capable of more than 70,000.(With a blue haze following)
Even 948cc Morris minors could do 100,000.
I'm not saying they are rubbish,just that they are no better than anything else.Saying that there is a Td6 RR at my workshop waiting for new brakes - just out of warranty with 40,000 on the clock.Just had a new engine,the original eat its oil and went bang - nice !

I run a 300 tdi Disco. I use it for regular 3t towing and weekend fun plus as a family car. I am thinking of changing it for an LPG V8 disco 2 with all the toys. Am I mad or will it be a good move, I know there is no substitute for cubes but am I looking at a servicing cost/fuel cost nightmare. If it turns out to be not much more than running a td5 then it seems to make sense as the purchase cost is much lower.

Looking forward to 8 in a V, subject to replies.


I have a rr classic 3.9 running on LPG and a rrc 300TDi and I have towed with them both and I much prefer the 300tdi by quite some way,it seems to have more power(when towing) and be less hassle to tow with.I would have to say that you would probably get more towing miles for your money on LPG but I bet there is not a lot in it,I never found a lot of difference.
Why is it that people who have very little automotive knowledge seem hell bent on ramming German cars down everyones neck ? Volvo were making car engines that would run 200,000m years before Bmw's seemed to be capable of more than 70,000.(With a blue haze following)
Even 948cc Morris minors could do 100,000.
I'm not saying they are rubbish,just that they are no better than anything else.Saying that there is a Td6 RR at my workshop waiting for new brakes - just out of warranty with 40,000 on the clock.Just had a new engine,the original eat its oil and went bang - nice !

Blimey, i bet that wasn't cheap.
ffs yer get better lad, if yer gonna quote someone at least have the decency to reply to the quote and not go off on a completely different tangent

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