
First off.
Can you put too much redex in the tank? I've but a bottle in for the last 2tanks.

Does anyone run on Avgas?
Because once it comes out the wing it isn't allowed back in. I know you can't run on it completely but any drop in fuel costs is always a bonus.
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Anything to do with aviation is going to be a security interest so if I was you I would be modifying that posts asap and doing some research instead before you get your brother in trouble.
its either a mickey mouse airport or your assuming much.

good luck getting it off the airport.

my buddy was a tech at the airport outside my window - he had to sign all his tools in and out of airside and account for them all every time.
Can u put too much redex in the tank? No more than the 89 litres the tank holds, or do u mean to volume of fuel if so yes but it will only make the exhaust very smoky.

I use to run a twin cylinder motor cycle on Avgas years ago when I use to live near Biggin Hill airfield without any problems but then there's different grades available.
Anything to do with aviation is going to be a security interest so if I was you I would be modifying that posts asap and doing some research instead before you get your brother in trouble.

+1 maybe not a good plan to be saying stuff like this mate not being funny but you could be anyone and this type of thing is exactly the excuse the goverment would be looking for to drop a tonne of bricks on you and your brother ... :)
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So can a 20yo disco be run on avgas? With no problems?

Depending on the grade you talking about, can be just just a 100-110 octane grade fuel so just a bit higher than the old 5 star at the pumps.
But being non unleaded it won't do your cats any good if you have them.
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So can a 20yo disco be run on avgas? With no problems?

I guess your engine is petrol?

If not, then not really, it's just aviation gasoline, high octane, less water content and anti freezing agents and I believe still can contain some lead.

Now if it was Avtur... oil it up and away you go!
1/4 seems a fair bit, you might get away with a percentage in a 200/300.. people run **** mixes of veg and petrol and didn't they used to use petrol to winterise diesel before modern tech.

don't even think about newer cars
Avgas = Aviation Gasoline (petrol) so the question is do owners of Diesel engine discos mix petrol in the fuel.

I've heard of derv and paraffin mix but I suspect that was to cut the cost of running the vehicle.
I used to run Petrol mixed in my diesel on an Isuzu engine...
Then the fuel pump seals told me they didn't like that in spectacular fashion lol
I ran avgas in my track car, 50/50 with 96 Ron petrol, was used in a fully forged race engine mapped to run it, If m9 Landy was a petrol I wouldn't put much in it if any
There is a reason diesel engines have such great longevity, the diesel fuel acts like a lubricant of all the systems it touches. Petrol it a fantastic solvent (I clean paintbrushes with it if I don't have any white spirit or kero) and will chemically clean the injection pump, injectors and cylinder walls of any lubrication left by the diesel.

Have you ever had an injection pump in pieces? Metal components in a metal housing, a metal piston fitted so precisely into the bore that it can inject diesel at 280Bar in the 300tdi, you can't actually rebuild an injection pump without wetting it with diesel or a very light lube first. A dry injection piston will not go into the bore without making horrible metal scratching noises if you can even push it home anyway, a little diesel and the thing will slide in perfectly - imagine what would happen in the presence of a lot of petrol and this thing is moving back and forwards thousands of times a minute.

The petrol in the mix will change the dynamics of the diesel burn and will burn differently which can lead to heat issues, melting and piston damage.

Diesel injection also relies on a shock-wave to fire the injector, it's not just high pressure behind the pin that causes it to lift and inject the fuel, it gets shocked and it needs a heavy enough oil to let the shock-wave properly travel up the oil and get the pin to pop up to give a good clean injection, poor injection can cause injector tip and piston burn - also the fuel you intend on using is of a higher octane which will lead to greater issues.

Why don't you sell the Avgas to someone who can use it and buy diesel.
Don't put petrol in a diesel engine in any amounts that you're talking about.

The petrol will give the same effect as retarded timing, giving a very "soft" low power late burn, if any.

You get away with it when mixing petrol into veggie or biodiesel as the biofuels have a bit more viscosity and are a good lubricant. Modern ULSD is crap and making it lots worse with avgas will break things.

Avtur, same as running paraffin or similar, bit thin for lubricity but it would probably be alright.

Presuming you don't give much of a toss about the legal side of it of course...

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