looking at weekend of 1st July if anyone interested

By that do you mean the 3rd / 4th weekend?!

I may well be interested, not done a p&p site in years, but go laning once or twice a month and keep meaning to go and p&p!
Ace, well if you don't mind a leafy tagging along i'd be up for it :)
As soon as something is finalised i'll let people know, a few of the lads just organising work commitments then we'll have a definite date for anyone who's interested
i was thinking of coming along to toms farm with you fellas,,


i was over on another forum i use and someone had ask the question of toms farm. so i thought i was being help full and post the detail taxed had put on here IE phone number, post code and new entrance details

iv had the details removed/edited by mods/admin for reasons its an illegal site,

there comments have made me think twice about going to toms farm, so i will copy and past some comments for you to read and hope you all think again before going to the illegal site toms farm..

I think that as a collective group we can't be seen to support or condone anything that is even remotely illegal or goes against the green laning codes of conduct. If the police have prosecuted just one person then it's obviously a no-no and therefore not somewhere I want to help people organise trips to unless access rights were resolved.
With this in mind I've edited out the contact details in the above post and the thread will be re-locked in a couple of days unless anyone comes up with a really good argument for not doing so, sorry guys but I'm sure you understand. It's a shame too as I always fancied a trip there but at the back of my mind there was always the doubt about supporting someone who could treat animals badly, for this there is no excuse. This puts the lid on it for me and I think is the right way to go.

Given the previous and current history, this is not somewhere I would go.
Just Google 'Tom's Farm Wales', and you'll get the story.

You pay to "visit" a house of ill repute!!!

The Mid Wales Journal (19/6/09) is reporting that both Tom and his wife have apparently pleaded not guilty to charges of breaching a prohibition order made under the 1974 Health and Safety at Work Act by Powys CC. The case has been referred to Crown Court, as Magistrates "declined jurisdiction". Said prohibition order basically bans the pay and play activities on the site.

The case will apparently be heard at Merthyr Tydfil Crown Court on the 10th of July


Toms Farm aint shut, i'll try and explain it to the best of my ability , basically it all started cuz the neighbours were complaing about big fires n fireworks etc plus the 2 wheeled idiots that ride with no lids on n injur themselves etc.

Tom has a licence for picnic and parking lol and stands by the fact that what you do on there is none of his business. However the track that leads to his land through the forest is forestry commission owned and the police leaned on the forestry commission and they withdrew access. Then the police stationed one man at the end of this track during peak hours on a fri n sat who fined everyone going on and off £30 for tresspassing on forestry land even Tom ~(if u were goin on u got turned away and fined... bad times). Tom said if you get there early doors on a sat or late fri night he wont be there same when u are leaving leave after 6/7 and he wont be there or if he's there turn around go get a maccys and go back up later, its only one copper he has to go on breaks and aint there all day, however if he catches u on the way out its a £30 fine, nothing else so its a gamble innit.

If you wanna contact Tom to confirm this his number so im told , EDITED he never answers but leave a brief message he will ring u back within a day or so, be prepared for a lengthy chat. Just remember if you do go on there just have a bit of general respect remember where u are.

So what im saying is its an unlicensed place and a £30 fine you pay the old bill.....

hope this helps its what i was told when i asked 6 month ago

found this in an earlyer post by stu , this may shed a bit of light on whats happening down there .

cant see how we can publish contact details and directions to this place, then chastise people for going off piste and acting like idiots and getting green lanes shut down.
illegal is illegal, end of story for me

not a problem stu, and to be honest, i can sort of see the appeal, pay yer money, do as you like.

but as i get older and more sensible, i can see the problem, pay yer money, do as you like.

so when some t*t in an uninsured heap plows into your pride and joy, you have no comeback.

also, despite what people say, a case of animal cruelty will not be brought without reason

best we remain impartial, and responsibly refuse to advertise this place.

Ah yes, that is something else I've heard about Tom's, grazing animals being chased and worried. Completely thoughtless, putting it politely.

Sounds to me like Tom's Farm has the potential of being a good place but is currently not! Even putting the legalities aside, once you are there it is not safe from an increased risk accident, injury or damage, and most worrying for a "hobby" that, for me, is made special by the support and friendship it creates, theft! I have spoken to someone who has been, it reminded me of the Mad Max film from his description of the goings on. It's not the place, it's not all the people but it does seem to attract a different type of person there and you only need a couple to ruin it for everyone.

It doesn't need to be made boring, but just a few rules and guidelines in place and the authorities would probably approve the site.

It would be fantastic to go there if it was legal and safe but that postcode will not be entering my sat nav until it is.

so are you still gona go to toms farm ????????

im not !!!
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Square heads, toms just needs to be ran properly, the site isnt illegal its the access to it, if it helps a few of the guys coming with us are firemen

Theres no animals to "chase around"

Yeah there is always a slim chance u might get hit by an unisured driver (as u may on any public road on any normal day, not as high of a chance as if you go to TOR @ Kirton) all the years i've been going i've see no accident involving 2 vehicles, i've seen 1 rangie roll and sum numpty with no safety gear flip a quad, theres alway an element of risk involved, thats what makes it fun, if you dont wanna take a risk, stay in bed

Yes it's uninsured (but really, u gotta ask yourself if you're one of these people that will attempt something difficult and roll your vehicle... and then try and put a claim in against the land owner... you really should stay at home) this has recently happened at wern du (ruthin) in north wales where the howling wolf challenge is held, somone had an accident, tried to claim off the landowner, so he has now just shut up shop.

F*ckin play police, most of the above is all my writing anyway probably copied from this forum..... all this....

Toms Farm aint shut, i'll try and explain it to the best of my ability , basically it all started cuz the neighbours were complaing about big fires n fireworks etc plus the 2 wheeled idiots that ride with no lids on n injur themselves etc.

Tom has a licence for picnic and parking lol and stands by the fact that what you do on there is none of his business. However the track that leads to his land through the forest is forestry commission owned and the police leaned on the forestry commission and they withdrew access. Then the police stationed one man at the end of this track during peak hours on a fri n sat who fined everyone going on and off £30 for tresspassing on forestry land even Tom ~(if u were goin on u got turned away and fined... bad times). Tom said if you get there early doors on a sat or late fri night he wont be there same when u are leaving leave after 6/7 and he wont be there or if he's there turn around go get a maccys and go back up later, its only one copper he has to go on breaks and aint there all day, however if he catches u on the way out its a £30 fine, nothing else so its a gamble innit.

If you wanna contact Tom to confirm this his number so im told , EDITED he never answers but leave a brief message he will ring u back within a day or so, be prepared for a lengthy chat. Just remember if you do go on there just have a bit of general respect remember where u are.

The animal cruelty thing, what happened is before toms was a "pay n play" he had sheep, one of which was a Ram, the rams horn grew full circle and back into its own eye, Tom was unaware of this as his land was so big and his sheep roamed free, someone else "noticed" and reported him, as a result had his animals took off him, so "opened" a "pay n play"

As i said before he has a licence for pinic and parking the legalities are currently over access to his land, the complaints wouldnt happen if people had a bit of respect!

Nothing has or will stop me going as once you are on his land its all good, park up and have a picnic, obviously hav a drive round to find a good place to picnic :rolleyes:
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Square heads, toms just needs to be ran properly, the site isnt illegal its the access to it, if it helps a few of the guys coming with us are firemen

Theres no animals to "chase around"

Yeah there is always a slim chance u might get hit by an unisured driver (as u may on any public road on any normal day, not as high of a chance as if you go to TOR @ Kirton) all the years i've been going i've see no accident involving 2 vehicles, i've seen 1 rangie roll and sum numpty with no safety gear flip a quad, theres alway an element of risk involved, thats what makes it fun, if you dont wanna take a risk, stay in bed

Yes it's uninsured (but really, u gotta ask yourself if you're one of these people that will attempt something difficult and roll your vehicle... and then try and put a claim in against the land owner... you really should stay at home) this has recently happened at wern du (ruthin) in north wales where the howling wolf challenge is held, somone had an accident, tried to claim off the landowner, so he has now just shut up shop.

F*ckin play police, most of the above is all my writing anyway probably copied from this forum..... all this....

Toms Farm aint shut, i'll try and explain it to the best of my ability , basically it all started cuz the neighbours were complaing about big fires n fireworks etc plus the 2 wheeled idiots that ride with no lids on n injur themselves etc.

Tom has a licence for picnic and parking lol and stands by the fact that what you do on there is none of his business. However the track that leads to his land through the forest is forestry commission owned and the police leaned on the forestry commission and they withdrew access. Then the police stationed one man at the end of this track during peak hours on a fri n sat who fined everyone going on and off £30 for tresspassing on forestry land even Tom ~(if u were goin on u got turned away and fined... bad times). Tom said if you get there early doors on a sat or late fri night he wont be there same when u are leaving leave after 6/7 and he wont be there or if he's there turn around go get a maccys and go back up later, its only one copper he has to go on breaks and aint there all day, however if he catches u on the way out its a £30 fine, nothing else so its a gamble innit.

If you wanna contact Tom to confirm this his number so im told , EDITED he never answers but leave a brief message he will ring u back within a day or so, be prepared for a lengthy chat. Just remember if you do go on there just have a bit of general respect remember where u are.

The animal cruelty thing, what happened is before toms was a "pay n play" he had sheep, one of which was a Ram, the rams horn grew full circle and back into its own eye, Tom was unaware of this as his land was so big and his sheep roamed free, someone else "noticed" and reported him, as a result had his animals took off him, so "opened" a "pay n play"

As i said before he has a licence for pinic and parking the legalities are currently over access to his land, the complaints wouldnt happen if people had a bit of respect!

Nothing has or will stop me going as once you are on his land its all good, park up and have a picnic, obviously hav a drive round to find a good place to picnic :rolleyes:
your very right but as a local we use toms road go past the the turning and take the second track on the left brings you in the bottom of the farm no 30 pound fine
Yeah thats what i do and what tom tells people to do, didnt want to put that though incase the play police are reading
Got our new GLASS magazine yesterday, their current advice to members is to avoid Tom's Farm.

Not worth giving the anti's any more ammunition.
Mrs got her take-a-break today, said i should eat half a teaspoon of rice for the rest of my life,,, im gonna ignore that too.

I aint gonna give in to the play police or pen pushers

Tom's farm is private land, and so is the access to it now, its in the middle of nowhere, theres 1 tiny tiny little village about 3-4 miles away with about 4 buildings and a small chapel and a house you pass which looks like something out of deliverence with its contents literally spilled out into the road and on the other side, real wierd place.... if people just had a litle more respect (no need for bonfires etc) and Tom had more management skills and a few rules i.e, No safety gear no ride!! it would be an awesome place, and im quite sure theres quite a few local businesses that would struggle if it 'closed' down

Call me irresponsibile if you like but until there's an enforced law that prohibits me from driving on Tom's private land, i'll still be going
Flippin' eck, a hard decision this one!!

I'm not bothered about the 30 fine really, if I were to get slapped with one, but I would be very annoyed/concerned if there was a load of out of control idiots flying about in bikes.

It's not about running someone over or having them dent your door...

Cheers, sam
Dont worry, the place is massive, you only really get close to other people when you come into the "parking/pit" area, never seen any multi vehicle accidents ever, seen a rangey roll once, and numerous bikers injure themselves doning what they do best!

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