So now you've spoit it with a sensible answer, we were having so much fun

Oh, well, I think it will be the retro fit self rust protection system that was sold in the mid 00's.

They had a big toggle switch on the bottom of the centre console and was to be switched on when it was wet, it ensured that the chassis legs were coated with even more oil than normal.
Sorry I have not searched as I couldnt think of what to call it!!

At the bottom of the centre stack in front of the gearsticks there is a black box and on the side it has a silver toggle switch. The switch does not appear to do anything noticable.

The car is a 1991 Defender

Can any helpful person tell me what this switch is for?



If you have the Defender 90 previously owned by Albert Nineties it was a technology developed by him to make any car fitted with it invisible to radar speed cameras.
The technology was taken up by a number of motor companies but Ford missed out on it.
I have never used it myself but let us know if it works.

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