Just followed this thread through, but the double-post issues last year caused it to die out...
Was the original problem ever rectified?
....Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take Arms against a Sea of troubles,
By replacing the MAF that may be at odds,
To the smooth running of my V8.

.......Right, OK.....

MAF Plugged in she runs and idles a bit poo, will rev freely all the way up and down, may stutter at the end but picks up again. When driven, doesn't like being under load, then will surge and off she goes, then tries to di and struggles - into Neutral rev her up and she's fine, back into Drive and she'll not want to accelerate again.

MAF gets unplugged while running, engine will die

MAF unplugged before start, engine will start and idle *reasonably* well....and when driven, minor hesitation and the odd pop and fart, but runs under load albeit with *reservation* but still accelerates as long as you don't push it......

So to [replace the] MAF, or not to [replace the] MAF, that is the question......
Old threads sometimes do that.
Anyhoo, photo's of the making of my own leads...







Basically, I had to undo the old boots, fit the new wire and crimp!

You can get new parts, but maybe at a different date.

Meanwhile, it's all done and although it took a while, to be fair I was undoing old stuff to fir it together. I guess if I had new parts it would take moments to do.

That's a plan for another time so I can perhaps persuade folks to move their coil pack and use longer leads. Using myself as a guinea pig meanwhile.

Typical, I mix up the bloomin leads though :rolleyes:
Thanks for this @Doo . I'm looking at adding red 10MM leads myself since I got some at a great price.
Not heard much from Doo recently. Hope he hasn't had another fight with a gate.
I don't think there is a need for such flipancy, the mans life has been ruined ffs.

You clearly remembered the gate bit so I'm assuming you've not followed his ongoing struggles?
I don't think there is a need for such flipancy, the mans life has been ruined ffs.

You clearly remembered the gate bit so I'm assuming you've not followed his ongoing struggles?

Not heard or seen much of him in ages. Is he struggling?
Did you ever get to the bottom of this @Saint.V8 ? I'm having similar symptoms. But mine won't start with the MAF out at all...

Mine's running like a bag of spanners and I'm just nearing the point of hair pulling!!

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