I would initially just swop the injectors around to see if it helps.if it was a dead short it would throw a code also the misfires diagnostics are quite sensitive. It's tempting to blame the loom and it's fairly easy to change. Mine was terrible and I put a much better new one on but I think there fairly robust. Shorts at the injectors maf and cam sensor can and will damage the ecu. One wire is common to most sensors red/black I think. And it's spliced just above the cam sensor. In fact the cam sensor comes from the other side.
The cam sensor and the injectors are connected as well. So when the cam sensor shorts it's possible to get continuity between 2 injector wires. The wiring diagram took some grasping as it's in several parts.
There should be no continuity between the cam sensor wires( I'm guessing until the trigger passes)
Listen to the injector if you can with a steth.
On the upside it is nothing simple. Nothing worse than missing something simple.
Are those the wee lights that work each time the plug fires? Forgotten their name but look handy. Need to have a word with Santa
I have had a misfire for a long time, tried all manner. It flagged up as the MAF on a couple of occasions, replaced with new one, still the same. Found an air leak and fixed it which cured the miss for a while, but then it crept back o_O

Do you know what it turned out to be in the end??

A feckin faulty lead!!! :confused:

Left bank No1 lead has obviously been dodgy for a while, but it turns out it had been disconnected from the metal part for a good long while judging by the arcing and burnt fibres :rolleyes:

Fixed it, but waiting for new longer leads as I relocated the coil packs. But because there were other things causing issues, fixing them lessened the problem for a while.

I will mostly be hoping all is well in a day or two when the parts arrive....
Well, I have me a predicklament o_O

Made up the leads, all identical to old leads, just longer.

But she turns over & misses, almost catches but doesn't.

I am 100% certain it's a mix up of leads...However, that's not the question.... If for instance, I was really thick (cold, sore, fed up, usual nonsense) and had hurried the install, is it possible I have mounted the coil pack upside down?

Reason I ask is I was certain I had got the leads the correct way about so if it "is" upside down, that would mean the plugs to feed power were inserted in the wrong ends so "would" that make a difference? I thought both coils got same power and feed from Crank Sensor anyway as there is wasted spark!

So if it's not that, then I have muddled up some leads and can fix it.

Whats with the double posts?

We got us a worm in the wee fee??? o_O:eek:
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Anyhoo, photo's of the making of my own leads...







Basically, I had to undo the old boots, fit the new wire and crimp!

You can get new parts, but maybe at a different date.

Meanwhile, it's all done and although it took a while, to be fair I was undoing old stuff to fir it together. I guess if I had new parts it would take moments to do.

That's a plan for another time so I can perhaps persuade folks to move their coil pack and use longer leads. Using myself as a guinea pig meanwhile.

Typical, I mix up the bloomin leads though :rolleyes:
Thor should wire like this...I am told.

But this is just the plugs not the wires for the coil-packs.
Thor should wire like this...I am told.

But this is just the plugs not the wires for the coil-packs.
Thor should wire like this...I am told.

But this is just the plugs not the wires for the coil-packs.
Thor should wire like this...I am told.

But this is just the plugs not the wires for the coil-packs.
Thor should wire like this...I am told.

But this is just the plugs not the wires for the coil-packs.

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