Oh what have I opened up here... i was merely going to have a day's off roading, was asking if anyone was coming with me and it's sounding like the beginning of the end of landyzone!!!!!

Handbags down, people.


May i suggest that the seemingly underlying issue here be addressed in a new thread, so I can reclaim mine to see who else fancies a fun day out??

If my thread really shouldn't be on here for whatever reason, please feel free to delete it (rules are rules, if indeed there are any), but given I have no association with the organisers of tomorrow's event whatsoever, if this topic is therefore allowed to stay, can I have it back, please??

Yogi's thread had no association with nort but that was removed
Ayup "mod 1"!!! Just welcomed you (long time no see!) but i fink yer deleted me!!!

Anyways how doos???
only because yogi doesnt want to offend anybody and get dragged into this si, so why was his post deleted as hes not associated with us at all hes just a guy that came along last time.

Funny how he posted it up straight after 2 of your threads saying near enough exactly the same thing were deleted.
Funny how he posted it up straight after 2 of your threads saying near enough exactly the same thing were deleted.

in the green corner pies'rus and in the red corner bazobese.............hurry up nob1 and press yer button before we have dummies spittin everywhere :D
Funny how he posted it up straight after 2 of your threads saying near enough exactly the same thing were deleted.

so what does that have to do with me, its easy to copy and paste stuff si so say for instance mr noisy posts up something or even toxicsox you gonna deleted there threads ?
They have nothing to do with nort so whats the crack there then ?? surely if a lz member enjoys a site and wants to pass that info onto others then thats beneficial info to your forum isnt it ?
only because yogi doesnt want to offend anybody and get dragged into this si, so why was his post deleted as hes not associated with us at all hes just a guy that came along last time.

I deleted his post because I saw it as spam. It had prices etc on it, It then had replies by the people running the site saying how they went there last week and it was fantastic. This as far as I am concerned is SPAM.

I'll tell you what. I'll treat you as I would any other spammer. If I decide your post is spam, rather than just deleting it I'll give you get a lifetime ban aswell.
Sirus isn't Mod1. I am.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

If you would like to direct some abuse at myself or one of the other mods then feel free. I have a button with your name on it.

firstly It called discussion something this forum allegedly allows Or at least it used to before you turned up. I realise that your ego may struggle to comprehend this. But people, don't have to agree with everything you do. They have (or are supposed to have) the right to express there displeasure and disagreement.

As for you banning me I'll have logged off by the time you've read this far and I won't be logging back on. I've stuck with LZ through several major upheavals and major ****storms and nowhere on any other forum I frequent will you find a post by me slagging LZ off. But I've had enough of your facist overmoderation and childish thread deletions. Good bye and if anyone wants to find me I'll be on the name that must not be mentioned. in case some moron has an hissy fit :D
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