Oh dear god, there are a lot of these need picking up

FFS I never thought I'd say this, but what a bunch of immature children, just grow up, you're an embarrassment.:mad::mad::mad::mad:
So... remembering that I have no association with the organisers of this event, nor the owners of the pay & play site and that I am not putting this link here to try and get more people to go to this event for which I have nothing to do with, here is my video from yesterday's off roading in the snow and ice, for those who are interested in generic, non-specific off roading videos! :)

[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzueMJgLI4U"]YouTube - Off Road in the Snow & Ice @ Tixover Quarry Pay & Play Day (28 Nov 2010)[/nomedia]
Great video fishsponge. Good to watch to see the articulation on some of those. The snow and ice certainly adds an extra element.
cheers, Joe
Great video, but it does give rise to a question... and it might be seen as a damn stupid one.

Engines tend to be pretty hot things... I know 'cos I've burned meself more than once! If you drive a hot engine into a ice covered water run are you asking for problems? Will the extremes of temperature have a nasty effect on the engine or am I being dim again?
Good question... I would think that the engine block, being rather big and heavy, cools down relatively slowly when submerged. The exhaust system, on the other hand probably takes a bit of a battering.

Not sure how much damage it does (if any) though...

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