
New Member
Hello all. Have been lurking on this forum for years. Initially after borrowing my brother's S1 toylander. After the first journey I was on here working out what was wrong with it (blocked crank breather). After a couple of months I gave it back to him in better working order than I borrowed it in and had well and truly been bitten by the Land Rover bug.
After some eBay scouring I became the proud owner of a 1999 Disco TD5 and she has become my favourite car I've ever owned.
I have now got to the point I need to ask for help and I've also learnt enough to offer some advice in return so have signed up on here so I can stick my oar in. My poor girl is on ramps in a sorry state and I promised I'd revive her.
Thanks for reading and be happy.
Welcome to lz :)

List your issues on the discovery section they are a friendly bunch ;) mental but helpful o_O
Welcome to the forum
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