
New Member
Hi All,
sorry to be a pain but some advice needed please.
Been offered an original lightweight. Ex RAF 46000 documented miles etc. It has the lights in the front grill and not on the wings. Which series is this plz? It looks to be from a genuine seller. Downside is £4750 asking price. Its way above what i wanted to pay but am thinking it will not depreciate if looked after?
Help plz guys!!

Thanks again
With the headlights on the grill, that means it was one of the early IIAs (I think, don't quote me on it)

Sorry, can't help with anything else, I'm a newbie myself!
When I think of what that money could buy at today's prices, I think you would be mad!

That is, of course, my opinion - It's just not the sort of LR that appeals to me.

It does look tidy in the pics, so if you do go for it I hope you enjoy it :)

EDIT - I'm looking at pics of a different truck LOL. Price on that one does mix things up a bit...

EDIT - I'm looking at pics of a different truck LOL. Price on that one does mix things up a bit...[/quote]

Which one are you looking at please?
Series IIA Lightweights are not that common, Series IIA Lightweights that have not been modified to look like Series IIIs even more so, so perhaps it has "Classic" value. If not £4750 sound extortionate for a 40 year old Land Rover
theres a guy near to me with a light weight land rover he wants to sell. when i spoke to him he was asking about 3 to 3500 quid. it looks quite tidy to.
just get the one ya like,ya gunna have to fix it sometime.Lwts are normall quite well looked arfter so stick under 3k and you will be fine.buy one arf forum.ya can see history that way....
A reckon thes reet, am goin owd onto mi cash til reet un comes up. Al keep th'eyes peeled in meantime and a'ppen al learn more about um and not be bit. (in my dialect!)

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