The original Range Rover was designed as a more comfortable version of the Land Rover and came with easy to clean plastic seats and rubber mats instead of the modern interior. Over the years it appears to have become a Chelsea tractor and sadly in the evolutionary process became so complicated and unreliable. I live in rural Norfolk hence the need for a four wheel drive. Sadly there are very few decent P38’s left.
The original Range Rover was designed as a more comfortable version of the Land Rover and came with easy to clean plastic seats and rubber mats instead of the modern interior. Over the years it appears to have become a Chelsea tractor and sadly in the evolutionary process became so complicated and unreliable. I live in rural Norfolk hence the need for a four wheel drive. Sadly there are very few decent P38’s left.
Could you explain what you mean by " FWD country car"?
As for P38s there are loads of them around. Some are heaps, but as stated by all who have replied, for your budget you can get a decent P38.
Looking at your post history, it seems you have been visiting this question, every so often for at least 6 years and the answers haven't changed. If anything they are leaning more and more towards the P38 ;)
Could you explain what you mean by " FWD country car"?
As for P38s there are loads of them around. Some are heaps, but as stated by all who have replied, for your budget you can get a decent P38.
Looking at your post history, it seems you have been visiting this question, every so often for at least 6 years and the answers haven't changed. If anything they are leaning more and more towards the P38 ;)
You are correct. My P38 expired six years ago and had reached the stage like any 20 years plus car of not being worth the cost of repair. That model is very long in the tooth and mine was showing serious signs of corrosion.I rather hoped owners would be a lot more positive in suggesting it was just a few air suspension problems that blighted the newer models. I still see plenty of pre 2010 RR’s on the road so they cannot all be bad.Maybe ordinary owners don’t post on these forums if everything is OK.
From previous posts it does seem that the air suspension is the main issue but there are plenty of other things that go wrong.
As you say people generally come on here to ask for help when there's is broken, why would they come here to say theirs is working. Only ever seen one thread about how long between breakdowns and he was told to not tempt fate :D
Yes there are still loads of L322's on the road and they can't all be bad but I suspect most owners just take it to the dealer for repair given their complexity.
My local garage always has a couple in for repair.
From previous posts it does seem that the air suspension is the main issue but there are plenty of other things that go wrong.
As you say people generally come on here to ask for help when there's is broken, why would they come here to say theirs is working. Only ever seen one thread about how long between breakdowns and he was told to not tempt fate :D
Yes there are still loads of L322's on the road and they can't all be bad but I suspect most owners just take it to the dealer for repair given their complexity.
My local garage always has a couple in for repair.
As you might be aware, I live 'slightly' outwith suburbia. We have two garages in the 'local' area, one who refuses to work on Range Rovers, the other always has at least one in for work. Which is interesting as in the area there are only 4 of them, and I don't take mine there tenor.gif
@gold rover I think you put the wrong quote in post #25 :D

Where I live there are lots of L322's but only a few tend to be in for repair at any one time. I suppose we could run a pole on what owners have had to fix but this won't identify the "one" that has never broken as they won't be on here :D
The term Oxymoron comes to mind ......

The only RR which fufills these two criteria would be the 2.4 VM engined classic... :)

Getting one of them within your budget = :eek::eek::eek::eek:
The 2.5 was better,wish I still had mine.for the budget another P38, better the devil you know.
@gold rover I think you put the wrong quote in post #25 :D

Where I live there are lots of L322's but only a few tend to be in for repair at any one time. I suppose we could run a pole on what owners have had to fix but this won't identify the "one" that has never broken as they won't be on here :D
Sorry :( I did quote the wrong one. This is what happens when the mind starts to go. Can I be forgiven? Pwease :D gettyimages-1186094398-612x612.jpg
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