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Am I doing this wrong. Have posted two questions and so far got no answers. is it me - new to Landys and new to computers. What does it mean when there is a tick in a blue box next to my query. Something about being subscribed to this thread but I have no idea what that means..somebody put me right please
Am I doing this wrong. Have posted two questions and so far got no answers. is it me - new to Landys and new to computers. What does it mean when there is a tick in a blue box next to my query. Something about being subscribed to this thread but I have no idea what that means..somebody put me right please

The blue tick means you have made an entry into the thread, I will have a blue tick next to this as well.

Welcome to Landyzone.
I reckon its cos no one thats read your posts knows the answers, doubt if yer being ignored. Bung another post on yer freds to bring em back to the top.
its called bumping, blue tick is subscribed you will get an e-mail when there is a new post on a thread you are subscribed to
try yer question agin now.
on t'other hand it might be a question that's been asked and answered a squillion times before. in that case the regulars may assume that you're too feckin lazy or stupid to do a search and therefore not answer anyway.
You lot are bloody hilarious. Glad I joined This forum. Only trouble is I don't have time to work on Landy 'cos I'm too busy reading all this stuff. (Must be a slow reader).
i think i am now a beleaver, my labby retreaver found me a gearbox beaver and it's made my landie a much better acheaver :p
It's plain it would be a drain on the canine brain to find an item on a drive train be it minor or main however hard you train, it's just insane....................Jeesh, I've turned into Dr Fekin Seuss!

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