New Member
I was coming back from Eastbourne yesterday, at a steady 70ish mph for most of the journey which she coped with fine : ) just that when i got back into the drive and let her tick over to try and cool the turbo down, the thermo shot right up and wouldnt come back down!! so... naturally i paniced a little bit and threw the bonnet open to try and get the temparature down, no luck. I let her tick over for a good 5-10 mins with the bonnet up but still no drop. After deciding it was time, switched her off and went in. This morning i moved her out the drive, and again, before i turned her over, it shot up again!! Then it gradually went down. Still rather strange as it has never happend before, any pointers or past experiences of this hapening to anyone??
maybe an air lock in the coolant???

maybe the sensor was measuring steam aposed to coolant??

just keep an eye on it, if it happens again investigate further
Either that or its shorting to earth - follow the sender wire - you might have 2 ( one on the sender itself on the rear of the head and the other not connected to anything by the fuel pump - green wire ) .
See if the insulations rubbed off or chaffing against the block - also check down the back of the head/block as they like to rub through there too .

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