No movement on the LZ field of dreams yet. Raining at the mo. Landys looking majestic in a slightly moist field with a hint of mud forming on the track.

Bog off. Been up hours, bloody bed deflated in the night and I'm struggling to move right now. I'm too old for this! Never mind, we have bacon. :D
Is it buttys ahoy or is you teasing... nonebody by bbq

Lol I have bacon. Not cooking it yet as we are all huggled round the burner trying to get warm whilst it brews tea. Comatose and dribbling slightly. Think we kept peeps awake down here at the riff raff side of the field with lots of " ferking hell! Move over I'm on a bump, I'm on a thistle and the dog growling at the mid night prowler trying to find their way to the loos.

It's major fun here, were having a right laugh.

Toilets are posh annorl :)
Trauma in't pod. Tom just been stung by a bee on the finger. Toothpaste and calpol to the rescue. He now has the coolness of a 'proper' camping injury and the fat finger to show for it.
I'm ere. Only Freelander in the field. Wrestling with me tent but might just chuck it in the car and leave it to later. Getting peckish for a bacon butty......
I'm ere. Only Freelander in the field. Wrestling with me tent but might just chuck it in the car and leave it to later. Getting peckish for a bacon butty......
:cool: Psst... the crow flies at midnight over Aunty Agnes' vegetable plot
You lot do make me laugh ....all sat there in the same place ...but still communicating via LZ .....:doh:

Hope you all have a great day ...I'm sitting here bored , bored , bored :(
You lot do make me laugh ....all sat there in the same place ...but still communicating via LZ .....:doh:

Hope you all have a great day ...I'm sitting here bored , bored , bored :(

Met a few folks last night briefly, 110w kindly introduced me to folks but I can't remember and they were silhouetted. Fields massive it's easier to talk on here. :D
I'm ere. Only Freelander in the field. Wrestling with me tent but might just chuck it in the car and leave it to later. Getting peckish for a bacon butty......

Aww wish I could have shown some solidarity and joined you with my freelander :( have a good time :D
I'm glad your all still chatting on here and keeping us that can't join you in the loop, otherwise we will be lonely :)

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