Bloody hell is them showers?

Yep :)

where did u nick them from :)

From wait.....sorry that's Mondays update :eek:

Anyway, the centre piece has arrive


Driven by a rather lovely young lady who we scared to death :eek::p
It's nice to be doing all this properly instead of winging it...we've even had H&S in inspecting the cinema wiring :p

stupid question...any veggy burgers, oor is bringing me own?? sorted tomoz..we be there 4ish..if its ****in down then we pitchin up in the marque!!lol
Here, all set up, met loads (don't ask who I can't remember) big up for ginge and the beer run, had first bacon bitty off the grill - compliments to the chefs accy junior and senior (ish) - loads rolling in can't wait till tomorrow

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