Freddy 007

Gone but not forgotten
Feel free to post without searching! The most boring posts to read and the most frequently posted words must be 'use the search button' really winds me up. It would be far easier to answer the question or not post than bore everyone with instructions to use the search button.

It's new to me as well and very amusing and I would not have seen it if you had not posted!
Feel free to post without searching! The most boring posts to read and the most frequently posted words must be 'use the search button' really winds me up. It would be far easier to answer the question or not post than bore everyone with instructions to use the search button.

It's new to me as well and very amusing and I would not have seen it if you had not posted!

QFT, well almost, feel free to post stuff you think would be ammusing and funny but please dont ask what size tyres you can fit...

...and I haven't seen that one yet either...
Feel free to post without searching! The most boring posts to read and the most frequently posted words must be 'use the search button' really winds me up. It would be far easier to answer the question or not post than bore everyone with instructions to use the search button.

It's new to me as well and very amusing and I would not have seen it if you had not posted!
if you'd used the search...yer wunt have posted that :p
Feel free to post without searching! The most boring posts to read and the most frequently posted words must be 'use the search button' really winds me up. It would be far easier to answer the question or not post than bore everyone with instructions to use the search button.

It's new to me as well and very amusing and I would not have seen it if you had not posted!

Agree. Its getting very repetative seeing "do a search" . Maybe the site need a noob section where you can only post in until you've posted say 20 or 30 posts,then you can post anywhere. That might atleast hide the silly questions from the natives. I have seens this before,but still give me a chuckle:)
I've never seen that before and would honestly never have thought to search for it.

But I've seen it now and it made me laugh, so thanks for posting!

or how about a step after the 'post reply' button that asks them to search and displays a search box.. Do it if they have less than 50 posts.

Could also put other noob instructions on it.. like ignore bob :D
I've just run two searches, one for "maintenance chart" the other for "search before posting". Interestingly the "maintenance chart" search returned no other posts with the wd/duck tape chart, the "search before posting" however returned many many posts...:D
oh look its a stroppy noob thread :rolleyes:, enjoy yourselves folks but be aware that it has all been done before, even the bitching about "do a search FFS" :yawn:
oh look its a stroppy noob thread :rolleyes:, enjoy yourselves folks but be aware that it has all been done before, even the bitching about "do a search FFS" :yawn:

FFS :search: bitching about bitching about "do a search FFS" has all been done before:yawn::yawn:
Well, I hadn't seen that before either. I don't think there's any harm in putting stuff up that's been covered before. If someone eliminated all the repetition from Landyzone there wouldn't be much left. If we took out all the 'Bob is Gay' stuff that would probably reduce it by about a third to start with . . .
but why would someone do a search for wd40 and gaffa tape maintenance chart?
its just a bit of fun

yes its been posted before and im sure that lots haven't seen it and wouldn't really be searching for that specific request.

no harm done I say if ya don't like it you don't have to reply to the fred

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