transferbox gone , got to renew all 4 wheel bearings , alternator packed up, rear pads very low , and i shant mention the diffs :(

feck.there is a good one going by alex in the for sale section ya know,might be cheaper/better than yours?????
feck.there is a good one going by alex in the for sale section ya know,might be cheaper/better than yours?????

i had the option to swap for d2 at bath and west show wish i did now , it,ll get done just not in time for end of month
ok,but that d1 in the for sale is sorted???.just a thought.;)

yeah , i looked at that one last week , someones going to get a well sorted disco there , think he,s selling short of a few quid ! if i had the room ide certainly of concidered it
yeah , i looked at that one last week , someones going to get a well sorted disco there , think he,s selling short of a few quid ! if i had the room ide certainly of concidered it

yes looks a good deal.;)
How about an upto date list.

If somebody would be kind enough to copy and paste one as I'm on my mobile and it's just too painful.
oi! shurrup you ..been looking forward to camping and laning , now it's all gone quiet ...
bet they'll come out the woodwork if i take my name down.:confused::(

oi,i gave you a virtual hug,now ya tell me to shurrup.:eek::boxing::caked::D
Don't worry muds its all going on. :)

Phew ..i was gettin worried that you'd all done this .:bolt::bolt::bolt:
getting a bit concerned about a campsite pitch ..with the weather set fair the sites could be full to bursting with folk who decide to take the kids camping on their first week of hols ...:eek: