1.muds & Mr Muds aka Kipper66
2.snowwie & sprog camping fri sat
3. Robint
4.110woman & son of 110w
5.Pikey Alone.



Whose camping didn't get it rung today but I will tomorrow!

Me and my arse would be in the back of me 109 if I to go....so wherever
If somebody would like to step up and volunteer to lead a second group then we could easily squeeze in more people.
1.muds & Mr Muds aka Kipper66 camping Fri/Sat.
2.snowwie & sprog camping fri sat
3. Robint
4.110woman & son of 110w
5.Pikey Alone.



Whose camping didn't get it rung today but I will tomorrow!

We are camping:)
Just send me a decent blackberry wine recipe - and yer in ...:D:D:bolt:

You need the book Wild Food by Roger Phillips. Its a great book but also has a blackberry wine recepe. Sorry but I can't be arsed to type it all out :p
I live just across the Exe.
27th rings a bell for some reason so have to look if i'm busy.
If not, I'd be able to pop over if you need to make up the numbers.
Waiting for one chap to ring back with a group deal. Got another one thats good been busy over weekend sorry! Will get on it this after noon!
Waiting for one chap to ring back with a group deal. Got another one thats good been busy over weekend sorry! Will get on it this after noon!

Hey listen - no pressure , just rattling your cage ... cos i'm annoying ..:D:D
Waiting for one chap to ring back with a group deal. Got another one thats good been busy over weekend sorry! Will get on it this after noon!

Hey listen - no pressure , just rattling your cage ... cos i'm annoying ..:D:D

ok , so i'm annoying ...just rattled you again with a PM , with the kids about to go on school hols , i think we should get booked asap , alternatively i can just book us Muds' a pitch and see you guys at Morrisons ....i'll be the fat b****d having the all day breakfast ..:D
ok , so i'm annoying ...just rattled you again with a PM , with the kids about to go on school hols , i think we should get booked asap , alternatively i can just book us Muds' a pitch and see you guys at Morrisons ....i'll be the fat b****d having the all day breakfast ..:D

better book you and kipper or you might not get a place,fatty.:p:D:D
ok , so i'm annoying ...just rattled you again with a PM , with the kids about to go on school hols , i think we should get booked asap , alternatively i can just book us Muds' a pitch and see you guys at Morrisons ....i'll be the fat b****d having the all day breakfast ..:D

I'll have an all day breakie too. nom nom. :cool: :cool: