
good evening/morning/afternoon, hope this finds you all well?
Quick question, how difficult is it to change the front ABS sensor? Anything to watch out for or any tools I may need, pretty please peeps.
Morning - I think it all depends on how rusted into the hub it is. Might be worth spraying some WD40 on it a day or 2 before you try to get it out.
I believe so - not had to change any on my Freelander, but the Disco was a case of pulling out and pushing in. There might also be different types depending on year of the Freelander - because there's different reluctor ring setups. The stories on here have mainly been about sensors that have rusted in and are a bugger to get out.
If it's after 2003 it might not have reluctor rings. My phones was ok with the correct name! ;)
Cheers Nodge. Mines a 2001. I've sprayed them with contact cleaner to see if they were crudded up with crap, next step to pull the old one out hahaha.
Cheers Nodge. Mines a 2001. I've sprayed them with contact cleaner to see if they were crudded up with crap, next step to pull the old one out hahaha.
A 2001 will have passive ABS sensors that are easy to check with a basic multi meter. You can measure resistance of each sonsor at plug. A good sensor should measure about 1,000 Ohms or so. Any sensor that doesn't have that resistance is likely to be the faulty one.
I had to drill my sensors out of the hub, even then it was difficult !!

Haven't been on here for a couple of years.
Laid up the FL whilst moving houses a couple of times and being stuck with the 3 amigos even after replacing sensors and getting good ohm readings on the connections, I'd got a bit tired of it.
So she sat for 2 years.
Anyway ......
Am moving again and thought I'd try and sort it out.
Forked out for a Hawkeye last week and plugged in at the weekend.
Cleared the fault codes ...and finally after 3 years those damn 3 amigos said asta la vista baby and vanished !!!!
Wahay !!!!!
Wish I'd bought the code reader ages ago, damn thing has already saved me a lot of time and money in just 2 days.

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