what your cars 21 soon! gosh it is in good nick! lol:)
good read! love the pics, plennnntttty of mud!

nah the landy is 17 n the missus is 21... i think i got that the right way round :screaming_bug_eye_f :screaming_bug_eye_f urrr f*ck :behindsofa: :lol: :D

Thanks for the praise though, good to hear and it'd be rude to have a landy and not like mud! :D
Awsome mate.
If mine ends up looking half as good as yours ill be well happy.

Just one question...

On the pic of you on the bonet........

is that Your driving shoe's,,,

Excellent thread >>>>
The drive home also highlighted a horrible wobbly/juddering sensation through the whole car and noticably through the steering wheel.

Is it definitely the bushes? Reason I ask is many, many years ago I drove my car (Ford Fiesta Mk.1 XR2 !!) on a local beach, back when anyone and everyone could go haring about on Pilling Sands (across the estuary from Fleetwood). On driving the car home, I had a judder which wasn't there before. I thought - wheel nuts? tyre? balance weights gone? Turns out to be a big lump of congealed sand on the inner rim of one of the front wheels! :eek:

Paulunny.... thanks pal! N nah they're me weekend shoes not me driving shoes :lol:

J.k. the missus brought em along thinking it wouldnt be muddy cos it'd been sunny :doh: she soon got the wellies out! Lol

Diff - like i say, its a bit of a gamble more of an educated guess as i know my pan hard rod bush aint too healthy anyway and its something that needs doing... i shall fit and test n let ya know... all mud has been washed off the bottom since the p&p and its still the same plus the juddering was to severe for an unbalanced wheel i'd say...
Shhhhh! Dont mention the g'box it gets right finicky! I lost 2nd and 4th completely saturday whilst towing 2 tonne of ballast and 12 bags of cement... pulling away was errr... interesting! Got within a mile of home and they magically came back... proper gave me brain ache that one! I'm hoping it holds out til after the MOT so i can concentrate on me welding skills! Then i'll order the clutch and cranked trailing arms n do trailing arms, clutch, box, 4 bolt diff flange and wide angled props in one hit at my ol mans work cos theres ramps and big hydrolic jacks n stuff to make life easy there!
Ooh..garage/workshop.... I'd love one of those :( A tarpaulin and the Disco itself will have to suffice protecting me from the elements when attempting jobs on her.

EDIT Have fun with all the work, disco147 and yes, please post up when/if :eek: you find the cure for the judder.

:lol: i wont tell her you said that! Its her 21st next month!

Landy aint bad either ;-) needs a bit of patching on the inner sills before mot time but i'm practising my welding and teaching myself as its something i wanna learn and i wanna make sills/tree sliders up like you did!

You lucky twonk!!!

any questions about the sliders just giz a shout, they were pretty straight forward once i got my head round all the angles and lengths to make the slider bits, since then i have decided to run without my spacers on the wheels and now the sliders look really mean sticking out protecting the wheels by 40mm each side, :rofl:
You lucky twonk!!!

any questions about the sliders just giz a shout, they were pretty straight forward once i got my head round all the angles and lengths to make the slider bits, since then i have decided to run without my spacers on the wheels and now the sliders look really mean sticking out protecting the wheels by 40mm each side, :rofl:

and theys gonna rot :rolleyes:
no quicker than the remaining disco, it wasn't exactly hard work to do so if in 3 or 4 years i still have the disco and the rot is an issue i will do em again, personally i dont see the issue:D

I'da capped them so water wouldn't get in :p just better that way IMO :D
I'da capped them so water wouldn't get in :p just better that way IMO :D

yeah but this way i can wash em out when they get filled with crap and know they are clear of wet mud, capped and submerged for any length of time they might fill through a pin hole and then they would defo rot from the inside without my knowledge.

As they stand they are no better or worse than the bumpers, just big lumps of steel with some form of paint and wax pretection
yeah but this way i can wash em out when they get filled with crap and know they are clear of wet mud, capped and submerged for any length of time they might fill through a pin hole and then they would defo rot from the inside without my knowledge.

As they stand they are no better or worse than the bumpers, just big lumps of steel with some form of paint and wax pretection

Make sure the ends are welded tight then :D
:lol: i'm only 24 myself!

Yea i will do! Probably gonna get the metal place that i'll get the metal from to bend the bars into shpe for me so all i gotta do is weld them on!

Evils.... why they gonna rot?
all that water going in and out even if he washes it properly after is still gonna make surface rust and that'll just get worse over time :p especially with salted roads in winter
well the latest update aint so good... last week she over heated, spat all its water out.

Recovered it home to investigate, filled it up with water and bled it out and everythings hunky dorey - had it ticking over for an hour with no issues.

Took it out for a test run a couple of days later, got to the end of the road and heard a "pop" then nothing, no compression not firing... S**T!

I'm thinking either the belts snapped although I have receipts from previous owner stating the belt was only done 30k ago or maybe head gasket? Luckily I was only doing about 10mph when it went so if the belt has gone I was hoping it hadn't done too much damage.

First port of call then - whip the timing case off to check the belt.

This is where I'm at currently - bottom pulley would not undo, had various breaker bars etc on it, tried some tool my neighbour lent me which is a bit like a breaker bar but instead of pushing/pulling the bar it sets it off at an angle n you clout it with a hammer (my kinda tool) his words were... this'll crack it... an hour later n we're both knackered n haven't budged it one bit.

Tried numerous other off the wall idea's that didn't really work so decided to pull the air con system out as it wasn't connected anyway and then out came the rad and the inter cooler. Pretty certain I know why it over heated :lol: Both are full of mud and currently in the shed waiting to be cleaned out!

Once I had all this out we slapped an air powered impact fun on it... 5 times we held it on there for til the compressor emptied itself and nothing - which is where I sit at the moment, head in hands, wondering how the F*** i'm gonna get this thing undone. To top it off, in our ham-fisted approach we managed to crack the timing cover - luckily I have a spare so its not a huge issue but it has shown that the pleb that owned it before hand certainly did have the belt replaced but not the tensioners! The belt has slipped 2 - 3 teeth hence the timing now being out.

Any idea's on how to undo said bold would be greatly appreciated - I'm concerned about heat as I don't wanna melt the oil seal, neighbour reckons he can get hold of a petrol impact gun - didn't even know they existed but thats the next port of call I spose...

(p.s. pictures to follow)
Have you tried using the weight of your disco?

Jack up the front end, get a breaker bar on the pulley bolt, then stick something that isn't going to move or break under the breaker bar. Then lower the disco back down . That should be enough to crack the nut.
Have you tried using the weight of your disco?

Jack up the front end, get a breaker bar on the pulley bolt, then stick something that isn't going to move or break under the breaker bar. Then lower the disco back down . That should be enough to crack the nut.

Or easier still Large ring spanner on nut and other end wedged under chassis rail. glowplugs out and turn engine over, problem solved.
Redhand, I did give this method a go but the battery didnt gave enough grunt left in it to crack the nut, the engine just stopped dead. Whats the reason you'd remove glow plugs?

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