Back of the queue! I've already offered a bag of Midget Gems.

Mine too but mine has to work for a living! Lovely job on the headlining. Did mine a year or two back and then over the winter I was launching a log into the back and caught the bloody thing. Kicked myself afterwards. Still, that's what it was built for ... well, maybe.

my headliner is slowly morphing into a tent!! :p:D
my headliner is slowly morphing into a tent!! :p:D

Not a bad job. A slow Sunday afternoon job with lots of stops for tea. Helps with an extra pair of hands. The Martrim kit (no association) has all the bits you need and is dead quick and simple. You can do it cheaper by sourcing the parts yourself but for me I was pressured for time so just went for it. @Dopey's done an absolutely cracking guide in the Technical Section.
@Henry_b Just for you, as the sun was shining, I took a photo. She needs a proper wash and wax after the weather we've had but here is the Golden Girl ...........

The teddies are a special to order accessory ;)
Would love one some day...

Unfortunately i don't think my wallet will never be big enough!! lol
They're getting cheaper by the day. Who knows by the time you're ready to buy one, you may find one that has been looked after the way mine has. Soon the only ones that remain on the road will be the looked after ones, as those run on the cheap will be in the scrappy. So one day may not be that far away ;)
Shhhhhh....but yes, the 110 needs to be put up for sale so I can pay my dad back for the L322.....massive shame, I love that 110!
Apparently, Dad's can wait to be paid back forever. Trust me. I know. ;) My kids NEVER pay back the thousands they borrow, ever!
That is a proper collection Saint.

You lucky begger ;)

I don't think i've ever seen another P38 in that colour?

Very nice!
Few picks of my summer hols, whilst writing this post I am down in Cornwall, towed the tin tent down again, got to say since fitting the janspeed exhaust to the RR it has so much more low down grunt, if any of you know the A30 it has some big hills to encounter but the old just flew up them hardly dropping down any gears, for any of you with the V8 it's a worth while upgrade. Oh and look at the breakfast that I am forced to eat.

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